Friday, February 12, 2016

This Valentines day the only man with a bow and arrow I wanna see is Daryl Dixon.

How about some stupid pickup lines then?
''Would you like to Slytherin to bed with me?''
''You don't need a spoonfull of sugar to make me go down''
''I'd periodically do you on a table''
''Did you buy those jeans on a sale, because they would be 100% off at my place''
''I Dumbledore you''
''Do you mind if I explore your chamber of secrets?''
''I love you more then Kanye loves Kanye''
I'm not going to rant about my burning passionate hate towards Valentine's day this year, though I still believe it's a fool's holiday, designed to take peoples money and make guilty husbands feel less guilty. But what I am going to rant about is this stupid thing going around facebook lately. I've seen it once too many times and it's really really REALLY starting to get on my nerves. It reads something along the lines of ''Romeo died for love, Valentines died for love, Jack in Titanic, Hercules, Achilles, Samson, Jesus...'' blah blah blah and then it says men should ask their partner to name at least five women that died for love or they have the rights to boycott Valentines day. Now don't get me wrong boycotting this bullshit would make me happiest but this...this is pissing me off. How dare you compose a message that is framed to look like the women are to blame. Nobody asked them to do what they did. We all know those god damn doors in Titanic would hold two people. I've watched the Mythbusters alright. And not to mention Romeo, if he would of waited just a little longer, she'd wake up and nobody would have to die. Though they are fictional but I'm sure men are capable of the same stupidity in real life. Actually all of them are fictional...Romeo, Valentines, Jack, Hercules, Achilles, Jesus. These are all fictional. While on the other hand you have real women. Like Lady Diana, would she really die in that accident if she didn't try to run away with the man she really loved? How about Mother Theressa? And Florence Nightingale, Helen Keller maybe or Elizabeth Fry? Have you ever really looked at a woman's love? How much shit women actually take and still stick around because they love their men more then they deserve. So many of my friends in relationships let their men abuse them, act like they don't matter, take them for granted, act careless and selfish never appreciating what they've got and they still stick aroung and take it because they love them and believe they can change or do better. Be better. But it never really happens. Now I'm not saying all men are the same of course they aren't, if you've got a man that loves you, respects you, treats you right and remembers you on other days of the year as well then you are lucky. If you've got a relationship like Kate and Leopold or Julie and R or Ricki and Greg or even Bella and Edward then hold on to it because it just might be perfect. Understand that a man or a woman that loves you for who you really are, all the flaws and mistakes combined is priceless. If they stick with you when you're at your worst or when you fall down and they help you back up they are priceless. And that is something that should be appreciated, aknowleged and loved everyday not just on february 14th.
Oh P.S. just so you know though these are not bitter single life observations, my man and I the geeks that we are, are going on a movie date this Valentines day, to see this guy, with a lap worth sitting on aparently. Hah.
Y'all enjoy your weekend and Valentines day. Or ignore it. Whatever floats your boat. Just remember, don't be down if you're alone, the right person for you will come along sooner or later. Untill then nothing beats the Walking dead, some Nutella and a bottle of Vodka, which by the way are also my after date plans. Thank god the premiere is on late here. Hah.
Take care y'all.
One last thing, check out Kip's new video. I know it's not even close to what I usually listen to but I love Kip and it's such a nice song and such a beautiful video. No I'm not crying, my eyes are sweating. Seriously. It's perfect, check it out.

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