Monday, February 15, 2016

Honey you could be mine.

I can't imagine there's anything worse on this planet then getting up early. On a monday morning. When it's winter and it's dark, cold, gray and pouring rain outside. Yeah. I really hate that. I had to get up though. School. Yet another thing I hate and so much more on a monday morning. Not to mention I was nervous, I had an exam. I don't know why I'm so insecure when it comes to my art. It's not that I need approval or people constantly telling me how awesome it is but every now and then it would be nice to get some positive comments I suppose. Well the nerve wrecking was pointless, turns out I did great. Got all 100% and I am extremly happy about it. I took me forever but I realized that nice grades are actually a great thing. Feels good to be smart. Hah. Not that I believe inteligence should be measured by grades. I mean there's book smart and life smart and everyone can learn from books it's not rocket science...but the other type of smart the smart that school doesn't give you, now that, that is more important. I feel like school is always there to bring you down anyways. I don't think it's fair having my inteligence measured by how well I do math. Alright. So I suck at math. What the fuck should I do about it? Live my whole life believeing I'm stupid because of it or focus on things I'm good at? Excatly. Don't judge a fish by it's ability to climb trees or it will spent it's entire life thinking it's stupid. You know what I mean?
Either way. I think the record I'm going to share with you today wasn't too hard to guess after I already posted Crue and Skid. Hah.
I am so so so SO in love with this album, you don't know half of it. I could just play it over and over and over again and never get tired of it. It's perfect, every song, every line, every note, all of it is perfect. Welcome to the jungle and Sweet child o' mine are two of my favorite songs as is and then throw them together with It's so easy and Paradise city and it's enough to get me completly crazy. Now this vinyl is brand new. I got it as a present last year after I nearly cried off two pounds when my original was stolen. I had the original one made in US from 1987 and I loved it, it was literally my favorite thing I owned till it got stolen and I went all dramatic saying they might as well shoot me now because I'll never be happy again. Hah. No I'm serious though, what kind of an animal steals a GNR vinyl from a music lover like me. If you're out there reading this know one day I will get you and you will pay for it. But either way I love this cover as well it's perfect, reminds me of Ax and his tattoo. While we're at it. They've added two more dates to the tour which is just faning the flames of my excitment even more. It would be a dream come true to see Guns n' Roses play someday even if without Steven and Iz, gotta be happy with what you get right? Anyways...hope you guys have a great week, that your monday is great and that The walking dead didn't rip out your heart last night like it did mine. Hah.
Love y'all.

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