Friday, December 30, 2016

In these troubled times all we need is love.

Lazy mornings with you, my King, are my favorite...
Have I told you what I hate about vinyl? You have to get up every 15 - 30 minutes and turn the record around...
So it's new years eve tomorrow. Everyone keeps asking me what I plan on doing. The fuck do I plan to do? There's only two options, work or binge watching one of my tv shows or the Santa movies with Tim Allen. Those and Home alone are the only Christmas movies I can stomach. Speaking of new years parties. I am so sick of people who suddenly turn all Kanye and party like there's no tomorrow on new years. Excuse you, what is there possibly to be happy about? You know what I actually really want? Sleep for like six god damn years and then wake up with an apartment a good job, financial security and a god damn sense of purpose. I don't want to be rich, I don't want fame, I don't want things I can't get. We've fallen so far that the actual only thing I do want are things everyone should have. A job, a house, a car, enough money to cover my bills, support my cats and spend a week somewhere on a beach once a year. Is that really too much to ask? But all that aside I have promised that I will try and be more positive from now on, so there leaving negativity behind and here's the anwser to another question. ''Who will you kiss on new years''. The only thing I will be kissing is this hell of 2016 goodbye. And pray to God, Satan and everyone in between that 2017 is going to be better. The wheel of fortune always spins back right? Isn't it about time that things get better?
Last night was ''interesting'' to say the least. I am always reminded why I hate local events. Honestly why on earth are people in this town such cunts? Excuse my English. Why the hell do you come to a show if all you plan on doing is dissing the band or drinking yourself into oblivion? I mean someone is paying these events for you and you're shit face drunk, we might as well put a canvas on and play YouTube videos your drunk ass wouldn't know the difference anyways. And the fireworks. I mean I hate is as is and I literally have zero or even less then zero compassion for any idiot that gets hurt while using it, but throwing it at people in public places or worse injuring animals with it. Are you completly insane or brain damaged or without a brain in the first place? What kind of a sick twisted individual does that? What has to go wrong in someone's head to think that torturing animals or throwing pyrotechnics at people is alright? Sometimes I am completly done with people. Actually more then 80% of time I am completly done with people.
And the men...the men that come up to talk to me. Oh god, I mean I know it's probably the alcohol that makes them think they're oh so charming and smart while in reality they're idiots. This guy last night comes to talk to me while I was leaning on the bar drinking tea trying to get warm because it was freezing and he goes ''Hanging on a bar? You're a girl, why don't you act like one''. I mean I don't know is that supposed to be clever, was it something that he hoped to start a conversation with or was he just plain and simple stupid. Here's the deal man, I wasn't aware that vaginas come with a terms & conditions manual. And the other one, walks up to me without even saying hello he's like ''what's your favorite position in bed?'' uh...alright, you know which one? Near the wall so I can use my phone while it charges. Jesus christ. Am I really that weird? That incapable of connecting with people or are people around me actually complete assholes? Why do I even bother?
But all that aside, the band was actually quite amazing. Safe to say I always regretted not being able to see John Lennon *fuck you Chapman* or the Beatles live, maybe I get the chance to see McCartney someday...well last night that regret hurt a little less. The guys playing in the Help! A Beatles tribute are quite incredible. All four of them have amazing voices and respect boys for playing in those freezing temparatures. Can't be easy strumming a guitar while your fingers feel like being repeatedly stabbed. I hear these guys are actually one of the best Beatles cover bands on the planet which is huge considering there are roughly 6000 tribute or cover bands out there.. Can't say I don't agree, everything from sound, to clothes, to haircuts, instruments and down to their very movments is studied to the last tiny detail. I love the back story too, their ''Paul McCartney'' is American, he came from the States and got married here and the funny part is they wouldn't exist if someone wouldn't ask them once to play Beatles songs on a charity event. Everyone thought it's a one time thing but they had too much fun doing it so they decided to keep going. Don't you just love stories like these? How something little can bring people together and create something amazing...
I heard a lot of my favorites last night such as I Want to hold your hand, She loves you, Yesterday, Can't buy me love, Here comes the sun, Hey Jude, We can work it out, Twist and shout, All you need is love, Back in the USSR, Help! well as some I didn't know before... Must have something to do with the fact I only own Help! and Beatles White on vinyl. Hah. Well safe to say I will get some more now. Don't worry I'm still team Stones but I found a new appreciation for the Beatles. Took me damn long enough huh?
So despite my bitterness and ''excessive happiness'' over the new years and partying, I'm still going to wish you all the best, have fun, dance the night away, drink, kiss a random stranger, forget about all your worries for those couple of hours.
Happy New Years guys, may 2017 bring you nothing but joy and happiness, to you and your loved ones.
P.S. speaking of loved ones, this part goes out to the man that loves getting into my blog. My passwords seem to be too easy huh? You're right, I will kill you if you do it again, but that was actually really nice, and completly unnecessary, honey you don't need to tell me all these things because I already know, maybe you're not aware of it but they're pretty obvious in all the little things you do and say. Like ''drive safe'' I know that's just another way of saying I love you. Or those cute post it notes you leave on the mirror or in the car to make me smile first thing in the morning. And of course I will always be there for you just like you're always there for me. Nothing and nobody can change that. I love you, more then anything else on this planet, I hope you know that too.

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