Monday, January 2, 2017


I don't do new years resolutions. Why? They're pointless. They are just things you kinda sorta want to stop doing but we all know you don't have the will power to actually follow through. They are all about what you THINK you SHOULD do. More time spent with the family, more time for your friends, start running, take on a sport, eat healthy, spend less time in front of the tv, stop smoking... And sure these all sound great if you look at them but take a deep breath and think about it, is this something you think you should do or is this something you want to do. It may seem the same but once you think about it it's not the same thing at all. Do you really want to spend more time with your family or is that something people expect from you. Do you really think you need to lose weight, get a summer body or is that something every single god damn magazine like Cosmopolitan is shoving down your throat. Do you really want to play a sport? Like honestly want to do it? Or is that something you think you should do, to ''live healthy''. I'm not arguing sure it helps with a better and healthier life but do you want to do it? See resolutions are like goals. And while it's perfectly fine to have life goals and plans and relationship, friendship, career, family goals, these resolution type goals are pointless. Why? They make us look in the future ''by the end of 2017 I'll...'' whatever it is that you set your mind to but you forget to appreciate what you've got now. Goals make you feel incomplete, uncapable of enjoying what you have because you're always looking out to the future, always desiring that what you don't have. Well jesus christ, stop, take a breath, look around you and appreciate what you do have. The very nature of goals and having them is ruining your self confidence and self esteem. Show me a person that reaches a goal and is happy. Just one. I haven't had the pleasure to meet them yet. Thing is once you reach a goal what is next? Got to have another one, and then another, and then another, and then another. Where does it stop? Where do you stop and enjoy life where you are? When do you realize it's the experience that matters not the end result? So I read most of these commitments don't make it pass first two months of the year. And do you know why? Remember when I wrote about passion? How people lack passion in everyday life. This is the same. If your heart is not in the matter, if you don't do it with passion, if it doesn't mean anything to you, you're not going to stick with it in the first place. I mean okay you've got the motivation which is just enough to get you started but it's not going to last long, much less an entire year. And god the timing of it all! You've got December which is all full of cheer and euphoria, mostly fake but still, then suddenly it's January, you're thrown back into the harsh reality, it's cold, it's dark, it's wet, summer and sunny days are half a year away. Who gets motivated and inspired by that is my own personal hero, not going to lie. The year is so long though, you have 365 days to make it extraordinary to make wrong and right choices so why force desitions or changes on yourself just because it's the new year? Better make them as you go and put your whole heart into it.
And while I'm on a rant, can I just say how happy I am that 2016 is finally over? I can't say it was the worst. There were worse years then last one, but it definitely makes the list. And while we all know I'm not the most optimistic person on this planet...I still hope that 2017 treats us all a little better. And since 2016 just couldn't stop there had to be one final blow right? On the morning of the last day of the year I read that Austin Carlile has left the band Of mice and men. Now don't get me wrong I support his desition 110% but that doesn't mean it hurts any less. I am amazed with him, how strong he is, how hard touring actually was for him but he pushed through it with a smile on his face. I am beyond grateful I got to see them live, and really devastated that his health is stopping him from doing what he loves most. Life really is unfair. This doesn't change anything, band or no band, he's still someone I look up to and admire, I can only wish I'd have his strength and character someday. As for the rest of the band...I wish them all the best, I don't think I'll be able to go see them on a show now, to me Austin was the heart and soul of that band, they're all insanely talented musicians but I don't know, I guess something's missing. Like Avenged Sevenfold, after Jimmy died, the music is still amazing but the feeling was never the same again. You know what I mean right? I guess I'm glad he told us still in 2016, I would of hate to start my 2017 with such bad news.
And speaking of bad news...2017 just had to start bloody didn't it? How many more innocent lives have to be lost before we realize that all the violence is completly pointless? Before we learn to live in peace? Why are we doing this? What message are we sending out? What purpose do we have? Why are we spreading hate when we could be spreading love? I'm a dreamer. Yes. I know. But if more people were like me, would life really be that bad? Here's a new years ''resolution'' for you. Try to be better, kinder, nicer, do better, help people, help animals, smile at a stranger, donate your time or money. Do something to contribute to a better life for all of us. If everyone did it, this world would be a lot better place to live in.
And to the victims and their families, of the latest event in Turkey, though I should actually say all of them, Turkey had too many of these events in the past year. I am so sorry. This shouldn't be happening and you all deserve better then being killed in an act of violence by a mad man. I hope someday we can stop this, I hope your deaths are not in vain and I sure as hell hope that someday peace and love will win.
Happy new year guys once again, let it be cheerful, happy, safe, productive, may you all find whatever it is that you're looking for and grow and learn, make mistakes, make wrong choices, make right choices, as long as you're happy with what you're doing, that's all that really matters.

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