Friday, December 23, 2016

Ko nam brani...

''Nekad čini mi se da je propalo sve ništa neče da krene, loše došlo je vrijeme a ja ne vidim spas za nas...
Zato bježim od svih, nekad napišem stih, nekad odem do šanka, al' je linija tanka izmedju jave i sna, vrha i dna i pjevam...
Hej, dušo, 'ko nam brani, da bude sve 'ko lani, na moju dušu stani i ostani''
Where should I start this post? My mind is all over the place, my heart is all kinds of broken and some things are hard to put into words. What happened in Berlin ripped out my heart. I just can't comprehend how there can be so much hate on this planet. I don't understand what kinda person you have to be to even do something like that. Delusional? Blinded? Plain and simple insane? A psychopath? I am beyond disgusted and horrofied and quite honestly sick of all these ''pray for...'' enough already. Lets learn how to love and live in peace for fuck sake. I feel so sad for the people involved and the families of those we lost. Horrible situation and I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I suppose this one hurt that much more because not only Berlin is my favorite place in the world but that is also the part of town the very street and church I love most, where each time I was there I spent most of my time. I am just devastated. World shouldn't be like this. But the thing is, evil can't win, hate can't win, there will be peace and love and kindness...someday...I'm just not sure when and how and how much blood will still be spilt before we get there, I'm not even sure if any of us will be around to witness it but someday...
And speaking of love...someone asked me the other day if I fall in love often. He was being rude mind you, basically calling me a slut between the lines. But thing is he was right. Not with the slut part, god forbid, but with the love part...yeah, I do fall in love often, with a gorgeous view, or a sunset, all the crazy colors of the sky, a good book, an amazing song, a new band, with a dog or a cat, with friends, with the perfect pair of shoes or a jacket, with a good tv show, with an amazing piece of art. With everything and nothing at all. People lack passion these days. Passion for life, passion for everything really. Why do you do things if you're not passionate about them in the first place? Have you ever watched someone talk about something they love, something they're passionate about, with a little sparkle in their eyes? It's amazing really. My friend would say ''purpose is the reason for your journey and passion is the light that lights your way''. I know, if you put your whole heart into things it's easier to get it broken but if you don't try you never know right?
A while back I'd say that some people drink, some smoke and some fall in love and yet they all die only in a different way. Love is magic and love is pain and that little space in between is worth putting it all on the line. Love for everything and everything not just a woman - man, but animals, art, music, food, travel...anything. If you've got that fire for something don't let it die, don't let your passions fade away, don't lose interest for something you love to do, because that is like losing a piece of yourself and quite honestly it's the worst feeling ever. And don't worry if things get messy or upside down, I've learned that if I was completly normal, stable, static I'd be dead. So I decided to accept the chaos, the confusion, the fear, the fact that sometimes life is a little sideways and I get a little lost, I accepted all the ups and downs, don't mean I like it but I did because all this makes you alive, makes you live an exciting life. Heartbreak aint fun, and when things go wrong it aint fun but honestly who wants everything to always be perfect. You'd be bored to tears.
Well guys, I am completly going insane with all the songs, comercials, movies and the god damn bells everywhere I go, but still Merry Christmas, happy holidays, enjoy your time with your family, loved one, friends, cats, alone in front of the tv. Whatever you do enjoy it. See you next friday. But before I go, a piece of love advice, no wait two pieces; ''Date someone you can have rough sex or deep conversations with whether it is at 2am or 2pm''. ''If he doesn't think you're worthy to stand with him in battle, then he's not worthy to lay with you in bed''. ;)
Stay safe guys, look after one another, the world is so unkind.
''Čovjek pokvari sve prije il' kasnije, ljubav nije za ljude neka bude šta bude, neču pustit' ni glas za nas...
Zato bježim od svih, nekad napišem stih, nekad odem do šanka al' je to linija tanka izmedju jave i sna, vrha i dna i pjevam...''
- Petar Grašo

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