Friday, January 27, 2017

Keep your filthy laws off my silky drawers.

So the women's march...we heard and saw a lot about it these days. And let's be honest it's absolutely amazing unfortunaly though there's too many people who don't see it that way. Mostly men. Obviously. I have a theory that men that are weak and uncertain and have no selfconfidence feel threathened by strong, powerful, independent I get so angry seeing comments like ''you are equal, you have equal pay, why are you marching for free mani-pedi?'' Oh my god. Are you kidding me right now? You're the sole problem of why women marched. Or better yet ''these are all women who have nothing better to do, get a job instead'' jesus christ. Though as horrible as those two are I could stomach them down somehow, what I really can't comprehend is a woman, A WOMAN, saying that these are privileged women that need to go back to the kitchen. I can't even...why did women through history fought for their rights, for our rights to have idiots like these running around now?
Thing is you won't see a picture of 7 men signing papers about what men can do with their reproductive organs. No, you'll only see men do that about female parts. How can men with no uterus even dictate a woman what she can and can't do is beyond me. My body, my problem, my choice, not his, not yours, not someone elses, just mine.
But let's not focus on that. That's not the only issue and surely not the reason behind the march. Women stood up to fight the force of the government to uphold it's own guiding principles. Because these women believe that every person has a right to life, liberty, freedom, hapiness and most important of all the right to choose. These women marched because they believe that criticism of the government can not be punished by law, they believe that no human being is greater then another or more important then another, we are all equal. This is not a revolution. It’s accountability. And these women make me proud to be a woman too.
Yes the march was decidedly about women and our rights and demanding for those rights not to be denied. True. But it was just as much a message to Trump and to the country, to the world if you will. It was less then a day since he took the oath when hundreds of thousands of people came together proving that they will now stand by in silence, that they did not vote for him, that he is not their president. He may whine and complain all he wants but we all know, he lost the popular vote and the media was not lying about how many people actually came to his inauguration.
These people will not stand in silence if the new administration threathenes basic rights, their freedom or the advances of the past eight years. These people made it loud and clear that they will not be bullied into silence or fearful to a point where they won't dare to speak up.
I've read so many different signs people had, most were mad at Trumps attitude and behavior towards women, the role Russia played in the election and the bromance between Putin and Trump in the first place. There were signs supporting voting rights, signs against suppression, for health care, Obamacare and of course black lives matter and also the rights of the lgbt comunity.
Thing is this is one more thing where millennials are right in the middle of a political and social storm. Women aren't supposed to march, people aren't supposed to express their sexuality. Religion is used as a weapon instead of a lifestyle for those who believe. Peace is treated like a curse word. We live in a time where ideas of uneducated adults overrule well read youth. Adults deciding for us, things we don't want, laws and lifestyles we don't want. We are to blame for our ruined economy, an economy we haven't even touched yet. They talk crap about us for spending time using technologies we created and we get bullied for wishing to live in an accepting environment. Nobody listens to us but everyone has time to talk shit. But you know what? I see a silver lining here, because we're the youth, we're the future, this world is ours, and one day it literally will be ours and you know what? One day when that happens, there will be no Donald Trumps. Because despite all the crap you've got to say about us, we're not stupid, we're well read, intelligent, smart, capable, we don't hate and we don't descriminate. All we need is a chance to prove ourselves. And one day we'll get that chance. We'll break free of your judgemental, narrow minded oppression.
Now to the women who were against women's march. You embarrass me. I am absolutely horrofied. You need to check your privilege. You need to learn how to say thank you, to the women who gave us a voice, women that were thrown in prison, abused, beaten, even killed while fighting for our rights. Women who didn't back down and fought day after day, not because they didn't have better things to do, or because they didn't have a job but because they believed in something. They believed that we are not just second class citizens, they believed that we are equal. Which essentially we should be. I don't know who decided that one sex is greater then the other. And I sure as hell don't support ''gender roles''. All men can do what women do and vice versa. Specially when it comes to cooking. You say women belong in the kitchen but all biggest chefs are male? Why? If women belong in the kitchen and it's not masculine enough for a man to cook? Or taking care of a baby, why is it that changing diapers, feeding, taking care of a baby should be a woman's job? You're so quick to whine about abortion but you're not man enough to take care of your own child? For crying out loud. These stereotypes need to go. A woman can be a business woman just as much as a man can be a stay at home dad.
You need to thank your mother, grandmother, great grandmother, they didn't have half of the rights we do, or a life as comfortable as we do, but they fought for it. They fought for us. They fought so we have a voice, so we're heard, so we can vote, work, decide what happens to our bodies. You don't know what not having any of it is like. Of course you don't, you were born into that privilege and that was all because of them. You didn't have to do anything for it because of them.
You don't know what fighting through patriachy and misogyny is like. How could you? And what do you do about it? Instead of being thankful. You sit behind your screen, shitting on strong, powerful, amazing women. Shitting on women who gave you all you have now. Shitting on the facts that couldn't scream in your face any louder.
Truth is we are not equal. I've been over this before, why I believe equality is a lie. You still make less money then men in the same position doing the same work, you still don't have as high of a chance to be a CEO someday as a man has despite having the same education or experience. Men are still debating what you should or shouldn't, can or can't do with your uterus, they're debating your health and prenatal care. You have to pay taxes and higher prices for your basic sanitary needs. You can't walk alone at night and feel safe. You have people justify or reason rape, saying you were drinking or you were dressed wrong so you were asking for it. You can expose your breasts for adult entertainment but god forbid breastfeeding in public. You are still objectified and sexualized. You still listen to innaproprate comments, made about your age, body, figure, looks, hair, makeup, it's never okay you wear too much or you wear too little. If your skirt is too short you're a whore if it's too long you're a nun. You wear a little more eyeliner you're a whore, you wear no makeup and you look sick. You can't win. You're still judged based on what you're wearing, what you look like instead of what's in your head. The brand of jeans on your ass matters more then the university you finished. Let's not begin with how dehumanized women of color gay women and transgender women are.
Take a moment and think about it, you will sooner be told you're beautiful then smart. It might flatter you but it does not flatter me. People judge my looks, they only look skin deep they don't care that I have something to say, that I have a voice, that I'm not stupid but very capable. That doesn't matter. Why? Because I have a vagina? Madness. You still tell your daughters that boys pull their hair and tease them and ''bully'' them because they like them because you know ''boys will be boys''. Uh no. Teach your boys to do better don't teach girls that they should just ''suck it up'' because that's just how boys act. This is just basic systematic oppression. Girls, teens, women don't need to put up with this crap. As well as they don't need to be taught ''don't get raped'', men need to be taught ''don't rape''. Period. End of story.
But then again I get you, you know? You don't want to be the victim. You think feminism is a bad thing, and that us feminists are nasty, crazy, deranged...whatever it is. You think it's below you to fight, to get out on the street and stand up for what you believe in. You don't like the word vagina even if all of us have it. You're one of those women that need their husband to allow her to do whatever she wants. You don't understand that even if you're married you're free to do whatever the hell you please because he married you he didn't buy you, he doesn't own you, you are your own person. You don't need anyone's permission to go places, to do things...I suppose you don't understand why we're mad, why can't we be happy because you're satisfied in your own lame life. Am I getting close?
It's a power thing isn't it? You don't want to believe you're being walked on because you don't want to give them the power to do so. Well neither do I, I don't want to be a victim, or worse a doormat but honey problem is you can close your eyes and bury your head in the sand as much as you want it's still going to happen. And that is why I'm happy and proud to see so many people, men, women, kids, young, elderly who are not afraid who stood up, who marched for all of us, they marched for yours and mine and our daughters rights. I'm happy these women are strong and confident and they don't care, I'm happy their eyes and most importantly minds are open wide. I'm happy there are women who don't believe in the illusion that is equality.
So I am devastated that I couldn't join these brave ladies and gentlemen but I would like to thank every single one of them for being brave, for standing up, for fighting for our rights, for believing in things that matter. For making it loud and clear that we will take no shit from no one. Thank you for changing the world. You are brave and amazing and I am so proud of all of you.
And just a side note, I would like to pay my respects today to all the victims of the holocaust and share a post I saw on facebook today. I think it rather fits what I've been trying to say all along...
''When extremists are in power, hate becomes a way of life and racism a religion. We’ve seen it 75 years ago, and, unfortunately, we are starting to see it happening again today. Deciding the extermination of more than 8 million people in the blink of an eye has led to one of the most unimaginable atrocities mankind has ever witnessed. Choosing not to remember that part of history condemns us to possibly re-living it. Shaping our children’s future is within our reach today, so let us be the generation who firmly states that #WeRemember the Holocaust, and that we will make sure that history will not repeat itself.''

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