Friday, August 26, 2016

Stressed, depressed but well dressed.

You don't know exhaustion till you're waking up more tired then you went to bed to. I don't think it's body tired, I think it's emotionally exhausted. I can't wait till next weekend, when the first part of these exams is over with. They are taking a huge toll on me and I honestly don't even know how much more I can take. I'm tired, I'm exhausted, I'm dizzy, I get no sleep whatsoever, my hair is falling out more from all the stress, my muscles are always tense and hurting, and let's not even begin with my mind. I don't know where my head is lately. I'm all over the place. I honestly can't wait till it ends. Which brings us to another thing...I have nothing against learning, I love it actually, I love reading, you know what they say knowlege is power but the pathological demand for grades is insane. You are more then a number or a letter grading your work. A grade does not define your inteligence. I mean honestly without stressing and obsessing with grades I honestly think kids would learn A LOT more. What's the point even? I study like crazy just for that one final mark and how much you think stays in my head two months later? Nothing is the anwser. What if we studied all year, relaxed, without the worry about a grade at the end of it. Just simple learning. Wouldn't that be better? Wouldn't kids learn more and better without the stress and anxiety and crying over exams that seem all too hard? What do you think? But what do I know right. I get called stupid and naiive daily. ''I may be young but honey I aint naiive''...or something along those lines. Either way, no time to rant or complain today, so much to do and so little time to do it. I won't be around on monday either. Exams...*sigh* wish me luck you guys not only I have a really hard exam on tuesday but I have another annoying dentist appointment as well. It's like playing a game ''let's see how much stress Nikki can take before she breaks down''. Yup pretty much...Before I go though, I'd like to share my last drawing with you guys, it's Johnny Depp from the movie Dark Shadows which just happens to be one of my favorite's quick and it's sloopy but I like it anyways...
Aight, enjoy your week-end I sure as hell won't and I'll see y'all on friday, hopefully I'll have much more to say then then I do today. Cheers!

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