Monday, August 8, 2016

Out in the streets.

I have a feeling that before we manage to sell the place we're selling we will all go fucking insane. I felt like exploding with anger this morning, working with people has proven to be difficult to say the least. They are bloody impossible. And you try so hard to be polite and nice and do the right thing, but some people, some people would make a fucking nun swear so help me god. I don't claim to be the smartest or the nicest person on the planet but jesus I know how things work, I know how to talk to certain people. It's not rocket science. Enough about that, I had a terrible morning, barely calmed down after it. I don't need to get upset all over again. It's not worth it. People will always be people. Unfortunally. And then there will always be people like him...
I absolutely adore him. This record came out in October 1980 and my mother bought it in December 1980 by ''mistake'' she liked the cover. She always told me this is the record that made her fall in love with him and I can't say I don't see why. This album is nothing but pure perfection from start to finish, everything about it is amazing. I mean two records with such incredible music, Point Blank, The ties that bind, Hungry heart, Out in the street, I'm a rocker, Crush on you, and the ballads Little girl I wanna marry you, Fade away, The River which I believe is one of his most personal and beloved songs, I think he once mentioned that he himself and the fans conect with that song the strongest, as well as Independence day. You know how they say that every great album has a song that one ''filler'' song that is on there to waste space? Even the ''incredible'' White album, which by the way I have and hate. Well maybe not hate...I like ''Back in the USSR'' but I never managed to listen to the whole thing through. It's just...bleek. Either way I don't think these two have any, some people say Sherry Darling would be a filler but those people are insane. Sherry is such a fun song. One of my favorites actually. I think this album actually made a big change in his career, Hungry heart made him more mainstreem, probably gave him more radio play. I see the River as a ''book'' every song is a chapter, he puts so much thought into his work, his lyrics are so beautiful, so honest, so real it's insane. It's amazing thinking how many songs he wrote and they are all spectacular. They are all a story, they all have a message to tell. I think that's what I love most about him, I just can't find any pleasure in dull, repetive music with no ''soul''. Lyrics matter to me they're not just some words to drown out background noise. If you ever saw Springsteen live *if you haven't you're doing something wrong* then you can see just how amazing it is when he brings his music to life, he can display a ton of emotions, he can sing about hopelessness and anger and disappointment and make the entire venue feel the sadness and desperation he's portraying and he has the ability to turn it all around in a heartbeat, lifting the crowd to it's feet with something fast and energetic. It's pretty damn amazing if you ask me. I haven't seen an artist or a band do that before. And maybe the River is so amazing because I feel like he bottled all that, THAT what he gives us on stage onto this record, the emotions, the life, everything really, everything that makes him him. It's on it. And honestly it's absolutely mindblowing. Bruce is timeless, there will never be nobody better and nobody like him. He's the Boss and he's unique. Like The Stones or the Beatles or Guns N Roses, there are a few artists out there that are amazing like that when basically everything they put out is amazing, and it's impossible to pick favorites. Bruce isn't just about music, he stands for so many things and those things shine through in his songs, and maybe the album that best portrays him just might be The River. I mean here's where his sound grows up, becomes the sound...the Bruce Springsteen sound. Not to mention he wrote 60 plus songs in a little more then 18 months. It's madness! Specially when you think that Justin Biebers songs are written by 13*!* lyricists and they are still crap. Jesus christ. But anyways the River was now re realeased under the name ''The ties that bind, the river collection'' with a ton of previously unreleased songs and it's nothing short of perfection. I feel so fortunate to be able to catch The River tour because it was an experience I wouldn't trade for anything. I only wish I could see it again. Yes yes I know, shut up. Hah. I love it so much bottom line every single music fan should have this album in their collection and enjoy it from time to time. You won't find another singer as spectacular as the Boss I promise you that.
Alright guys, spin a little Bruce and enjoy the week, see y'all on friday, Suicide Squad tomorrow. I'm so excited! Take care, stay safe, cheers.

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