Friday, June 24, 2016

Good morning soldier.

Well England...I didn't see that one coming. Does that mean James Bond is going to need a visa now to do missions in Europe? Hah. On a serious note I can't say I think this was a good idea...for anyone, either Europe or England. I feel like Britain tanked Europe let's just look at the stock markets for a second...and older generations of Britains just sealed the deal on the future of the young generations...a future they don't want and will be forced to live in...I'm sorry about that guys. I know what's it like when older generations dictate you how to live. But I suppose time will tell. And what if Scotland and Ireland decide to leave? Then it's basically just ''Kingdom'' no more United Kingdom...Messed up situation to be honest.
So...I wanted summer and now I finally have it. Not the type of summer I'm used of though. I'm used of heat but not humidity. Maybe a little bit but at the moment I feel like I'm in a rain forrest. I hate this. I love summer, I love the heat but I don't love thick air that makes it hard to breathe. But I shouldn't complain to be honest, I've been cold for far too long.
And the GN'R tour started yesterday and if you think I wasn't already sobbing over the youtube videos online this morning you are highly mistaking. Oh my god my excitment is over the roof. I don't know why since Steve and Izz are still missing and there is no sign of an European tour *I know I know patience* but I'm just....freaking out over Ax and Slash. Together. On the same stage. Even smiling at eachother. It's just...perfect. One of my favorite bands back together after so many years. I couldn't be happier. Aparently there was a moment last night during Estranged instead of ''How could you say that I never needed you'' Ax sang ''How could I have said that I never needed you'' while touching Slash's shoulder which trust me is enough to get me in tears. It's not even selfish the thing about this reunion that makes me happiest is the fact that they made up and are friends again. That's the most important thing to me in the end. I only need Steve and Izz and I might as well live in a fairytale too good to be true. Guys. Make it happen. Please. It's not GN'R without them. Not really. Other then that I hear that the concert was amazing. I'm way way WAY too jealous of everyone who was there last night. As I will be of everyone that is yet to see them. Gonna be a long list till the tour ends. Heh.
Not going to rant forever today. Got an event to get ready for. Event with a lot of meat and stupid music. The fuck is wrong with me huh? Bin ich in der falsches film oder was? I probably got lost along the way to be stuck in a place like that. What's gotta be done right? What I will tell you though is how amazing it is when I put all the shit aside and just focus on me, on what I love and let creativity run. I did some drawing and painting and it felt amazing. Shutting off the world letting my vinyls play and just paint. No outside world. It makes my family nervous when I sit still and paint for hours but I'm not bothered. It's something I love doing. Even if my back is killing me after I'm done with a project. I understand tattoo artists so much on days like these. *sigh* either way...for the past two days or should I say nights because I couldn't sleep I focused on painting on shirts. I have tons of shirts with no print on them and paint. Bad combination. Shit happens. Haha. So this is what I've been up to...
Marvel geek whatcha gonna do. The Winter Soldier design is based off a poster a friend of mine owns. So the original idea credit goes to the artist. I only modified it a bit. The last one isn't done yet but it's gonna be a ''salt and burn'' type thing. Supernatural fan. I'm a geek for too many things it would seem. I use standard textile paint and Dynasty paint brushes. Expensive as fuck but well worth their money. So kiddos that's it for today, I'll see you on monday, stay safe or should I say stay in the shade and enjoy your weekend.

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