Friday, February 24, 2017

If I had a heart I could love you, if I had a voice I would sing.

So I decided to cut Friday and Monday's posts. From now on it's going to be either Friday or Monday. I just don't have the time anymore and I don't want to force writing, or write pointless stuff just so I update something. I mean writing was never a passion of mine, I enjoy it but it's more of an outlet to let all the frustrations out, my passion is music and art. And I rather spend that extra hour sketching something then slamming my head on the table trying to find words or something to complain about when in reality everything annoys me. Ever feel like that? Like everything is going on your nerves? I do, more then I'm willing to admit.
There's something that really annoys me today and I can't believe someone even has to write it down. Fandoms are a great thing, I love the love and support fans show eachother, I love bands who call their fandoms families, I love the sense of belonging somewhere it gives you. You know, you don't have to know the people around you but when you're all in that venue you're all there because you love the same music, the same people, music brings you together despite race, religion, age, skin color, nobody cares about those things and that's something I actually love most.
But lately...I don't know what's going on, there's new fans in fandoms, ''kids'', and they are just so full of hate, negativity, everything is a fight. I don't know how they can't seem to understand simple things. You can be a fan of an artist and hate their song, or an album, I actually think that makes you more of a fan since you're capable of admiting that not everything they do is a god given gift. I love Motley Crue more then...let's not go there...let's just say a lot. But you won't see me fawning over Theatre of pain. I don't like that record and I never will. And why should that make me less of a fan? Or a fake fan? Stupid. Thing is, it doesn't matter what you say, these kids treat everything like it's world war III and it is just exhausting. I am too old for teenage drama. Like seriously children, go back to your sandbox and leave grandma alone.
So how about for a change you stop spreading paparazzi pictures of your favorite bands? I'm sure they'd appreciate it. How about you stop participating in gossping about their private lives? They don't owe you anything, they're still just people, what goes on in their private lives is private, should be private, and none of anybody's business. How about you stop harrasing them with idiotic tweets and messages and comments? It's wrong, it's weird, it's creepy. How about you stop telling them how to live their lives, who to love, what to do, how to do their job? What makes you think you have any right to do it in the first place is beyond me. Don't pretend you know what's best for someone just because you think you're oh so in love with them.
It would be so nice and I know they would appreciate it too if for a change you'd treat them like human beings which after all they are beneath the fame, they have bad days too, they're just people too. It would be nice if you'd show them some basic respect and learn that they need space too. It would be nice if instead of all the drama and nonsense you'd just tell them how much you enjoy their work, how much it means to you. It would be nice if for a change you'd support them the right way, sharing their music, movies, videos, buy their records, attend their concerts and most importantly treat other fans right. There's no such thing as a ''more important fan''. We're all here for the music aren't we? Does it matter if you liked the band for years and somebody else only liked them for a month? I think it doesn't.
I am so done with these kids being so ''smart'', abusing the bands, abusing the fans, causing the bands to snap and delete their social media accounts because they can't take it no more. Seriously! They are just people like you and me, they deserve respect just like we do and they don't need to be subjected to all the name calling and other bullshit just because you asume they can take it.
Honestly I love my bands, but I don't stick my nose in their private lives, if they decide to share anything then great, if not, respect that. It's the music you listen to after all. And what's even worse that I just can't comprehend is the hate and abuse the fans show towards eachother. Why? Why can't we all play nice? We all have something in common don't we? So why can't we be friends? Why all the name calling? And the hate? The jealousy? It's insane and pointless, there's so much hate on this planet already, why produce more? And based on something that should bring happiness and love?
I think this quote tells you perfectly how it should be...
“Never underestimate a girl’s love for her favorite band. Never think even for a minute, that she won’t defend them to her death. Because it’s not just the music that makes that band her favorite. It’s the guys, the gals. It’s the fans. People whom of which she has interacted with thanks to the band. That band might of saved her life, or just made her smile everyday. That band has never broke her heart and has yet to leave her. No wonder she finds such joy in her music.”
― Alex Gaskarth
Be kinder to eachother guys, love harder, be nicer, don't drag people down just for the fun of it, help them instead, it'll give you much more pleasure. This world could be such a different nicer place if only we learned a little compassion...
Maybe I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one...right?
Stay safe out there guys and spread a little love not hate.

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