Monday, September 12, 2016

Raise your hand

''She's a product of being raised in the country. She knows her roots and works hard for her money. A southern drawl with dark tan legs, ain't nothin' like a woman southern born and bred.''
Remember last time you took time for you? And really relaxed? No? Neither do I. But yesterday was alright. Spent it at the lake sippin coke and whiskey like the country girl I am. Don't worry, no skinny dipping this time. Hah. It was nice. Forgetting about the world for a bit and people in it. Nice. Untill people actually showed up and the place turned into a huge fucking tourist attraction like the Eiffel tower. Time to go. I mean relaxation in my book means silence, nature and no fucking people anywhere. I should be so lucky huh? I hear there's a place in Alaska with more dogs then people. Doesn't that sound perfect? Hah. But well since that is impossible I'll turn up the music real loud and just forget about everything...
Choice of the day. Miss Joplin. I love her. That voice. That fucking voice it's something special. I always say there never was a singer like her and there won't ever be another singer like her. Though you know, her talent is often overshadowed by her tragic story which has now became a legend. This album is honestly one of my favorites, in general and by her. It really shows her the way I believe she would like to be remembered in the environment she was happiest. On stage, in front of a microphone. Drowning in music and singing so real, so raw and so painful that there are times when it gets too much. There are some ''purists'' who don't like this album, guess what I have to say to that? Fuck em. It's a great album, even the song Harry. I mean do we even have to go into the fact that there are four bands on this album? Full Tilt Boogie, Big Brother & The Holding Company, the Paul Butterfield Blues Band and the Kozmic Blues Band. Damn this was a mouthfull hah. The album features nine songs, studio and live, aparently it's a less known album but holy shit it's so good. I was never much of a fan in the past *what the hell was I thinking right?* but this album made me a fan. I put it on out of curiosity and fell completly in love with it. I enjoyed every moment, every song, every note. Raise your hand quickly became one of my favorite songs, but then again all of them are, recorded with passion and a voice that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. That's all I can really say. This is music the way it should be, when it pulls you in, gives you goosebumps and leaves you speachless. Janis we lost you way too soon and it is so damn tragic, I know you had so much more to give to the world. I hope you're in a better place now. A world nicer then this one was to you. Guys, listen to this record sometime, it really is nothing short of perfection.
R.I.P. Janis Joplin 1943 - 1970

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