Monday, November 21, 2016

You only hear the music, when your heart begins to break.

Sometimes I wonder what the hell am I even doing with my life. Sitting on tumblr reblogging the same pictures of my favorite band members, fawning over their guitar skills, voice, or plain and shallow their looks. Then I remember how music is the only thing making me feel alive, safe, happy. I remember how when everything is out of control and crazy and my head in a storm, those bands are the only thing that calm it all down. I remember I'm one of those kids raised by their music not their parents. There's so many bands that literally grew up with me. We all ''grew'' together, we changed together. There's bands that have been in my life longer then any friend has been. There's bands that I can honestly say saved my life, and it sounds cliche it's something all the ''kids'' are saying these days but it's the honest truth. I felt completly alone in the world more then once, I felt like I was going crazy, I felt like all hope is lost. I still feel that way sometimes and the bands, the music is the only comfort. The only ones I feel really understand me. And let me tell you something, it's an amazing feeling when a musician with their lyrics tells excatly what you feel, when you can't speak yourself. It's an amazing feeling when a song can bring up so many memories, of a place, of a time, of a person...and you know people change, people grow, things change, times change, our lives change but that song it's always the same and memories to it always remain. It's quite extraordinary when you think about it. I grew up thinking there's a certain way I need to behave, certain way I have to look, pick a career that I'll hate all my life but it's alright because it's a good kind of occupation, get married and have kids before I'm 25, go to the same vacation spot by the sea each year, drink coffee with my neighbors every saturday morning, because that's ''the right thing to do''. The stereotype people live by here. My musicians opened up my eyes to a world beyond that. They made me think. ''Do I want to be normal?''. No, there is a better way. I'm not saying it's always easy. There are days when I wish I was just like everybody else, average, ''happy'' with my ordinary life. It just doesn't work that way does it? I want it all, love, passion, travel, experiences, art, music, poetry, dreams...and above all I want to live, breathe, be free, because honestly, right now, I don't feel too free...but here's what helps...
You know what people say? ''When the music hits you, you feel no pain?'' it's the truth. A live show is just amazing. When those musicians you're fawning over online suddenly aren't pictures anymore, but living breathing people, right in front of you, and in a room full of people where it doesn't matter where you're from, what color your skin is or what religion you are, you are all conected because you love the same music. And then there are always moments, when the singer stops singing and let's the audience scream their lyrics back at them as loud as they can and there's the biggest smile on their face...those are the moments I live for. And these are some of my favorite memories. Some of the happiest nights of my life. Some of the saddest too, saying goodbye to Motley Crue was not easy for me. Some of the moments that changed my life forever. Like seeing my favorite band live for the first time, a feeling I can't describe, or seeing someone I admired for so long finally stand in front of me and it's even better then you could possibly dream of. What I'm trying to say is...someone once told me they admire my love or better yet passion for my music, that they could never love something as much as I love it. And they were right. And I wish everyone would find something they love as much, something that makes them feel as happy and as safe and as content. Or someone that is. You all deserve to feel that feeling.
And in that spirit...
You know I'm a big Bon Jovi fan right? Growing up their music was constantly playing either in my mothers car or stereo, she was downright obsessed with them, specially the song ''Bed of roses'', I still hate it to this day. Don't get me wrong, beautiful song but the fact that I had to hear it about ten million times did what it did. And I was lucky enough to catch two of their shows, in Croatia back in 2011 with Richie Sambora and then again in Milan in 2013 with Phil X, which I still believe was the best concert I've ever seen. Next to the Boss of course. But here's some truth that you're not going to like *if you're a die hard fan that is*...I don't like their new album ''This house is not for sale'' one bit. I don't know what really went down between them and Richie and honestly it's none of our business, I hope they work it out somehow for the sake of their friendship not the band. But here's the deal, I think Richie is not replacable. Yes Phil has mad skills and he's an amazing guitar player but he's no Richie Sambora. Something feels off. The sound, the voice, the melodies, the energy between the boys. I don't even know, I can't pin point the problem but something is not right. This new sound with all the keyboards sounds more pop then rock and I can't swallow that to say it will not be joining my cd collection and in case you're wondering, I own every single album on cd. I'll be listening to this one instead...
So the debut album huh? Early days of hair metal...when music was still music. Yeah the songs are simple and the lyrics are no masterpiece but honestly the songs are pure hard rock and they are amazing. They have soul, they have passion and they are good. So maybe this album didn't sell as good as the rest did *which debut ever does?* but I feel like it made a statment. A statment that they are meant for greatness and that they are here to stay, and obviously it's true. I always loved the way Jon put so much of himself in their songs, in their lyrics, they're honest and they're beautiful. The album opens with Runaway which not enough people know, I swear everyone around me still believes Living on the prayer is their first single, *sigh* I live with savages. Well it's not, Runaway is and it's such a cool, catchy song, pretty sure that was also the song that made a statment on all the charts and got A LOT of radio play. To me it still sounds exciting and new and fun all those years later, maybe because now no radio plays it anymore, they're focused on It's my life, Living on a prayer, Always, Bed of roses and Have a nice day and that's it. Those are great songs but ignoring all the rest is so missing out on the music genius that is Bon Jovi, like Stick to your guns or Living in sin from New Jersey those are such good songs. Anyway back to the self titled've got Roulette which is hard rock at it's finest and really shows Richie's amazing skills as a guitar player. Then you got Shot through the heart, who doesn't know that one? It might be a little cliche but they made it sound perfect none the less. Thing is what I love about this album it's that it starts on this kinda sad note but they change it around towards the end without making it sound abrupt and if that aint talent and basically screaming their musical abilities then I don't know what will. Point is, if you like the sound on Slippery when wet *coughbadboyscough* and you aren't just into the big over played hits then pick this one up and give it a chance, it really is a great record, amazing classic rock and I promise you a million times better then all the crap the radio, tv and society is force feeding us lately.
P.S. Did you notice how David Bryan is credited as David Rashbaum on this one? Oh and also, Metallica's Hardwired to Self destruct came out last friday and honestly you need to check that one out because words, it's mindblowing.

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