Monday, November 7, 2016

I'm afraid.

I wrote and deleted this post a couple of times, no matter which way I take it people are going to get offended. And while I don't care about what people think, this is an important matter.
To my American readers, guys, I'm stressed enough as is, so I am begging you if you're old enough to vote, please vote. And if you do, please don't let a sexist, racist, bigoted, homophobic orange reptile win. Because if you do, you are literally putting actual lives in danger. You are putting Latino, Asian, Native American, women and black lives in danger. The gays, the lesbians, the homeless. I am terrified to wake up in a nightmare and see that he won. I'm scared that if he wins someday sexual assault, rape, ''grabbing women by the pussy'' will be a joking matter instead of condemned. I'm terrified of more news about black people, latino people, lesbians, transgenders killed. I'm terrified of the idea of Trump and his minions commanding an army. I'm scared shitless of a man like Trump in charge of nuclear codes. I know whatever I say at this point is pointless, people who support him are just too damn dumb to see what he truly is. A monster. Here are some of the things he said in the past, some of the things I just can't process and I can't even believe he still has support. After all this...what the hell is the matter with people?!
- “ 26,000 unreported sexual assults in the military, only 238 convictions. What did these geniuses expect when they put men & women together? ”
- “You know, it doesn’t really matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass.”
- “You wouldn’t have your job if you weren’t beautiful.”
- “My favorite part of ‘Pulp Fiction’ is when Sam has his gun out in the diner and he tells the guy to tell his girlfriend to shut up. Tell that bitch to be cool. Say: ‘Bitch be cool.’ I love those lines.”
- “If I were running ‘The View’, I’d fire Rosie O’Donnell. I mean, I’d look at her right in that fat, ugly face of hers, I’d say ‘Rosie, you’re fired.’”
- “I’ve said if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”
- "And the girls, we're supposed to call them women, but they're girls to me .”
- "You have to treat 'em like shit."
- “I will build a great wall and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”
- “It’s freezing and snowing in New York we need global warming!”
- “The point is, you can never be too greedy.”
- “Nobody cares about the talent in beauty pageants. There’s only one talent you care about, and that’s the look talent. You don’t give a shit if a girl can play a violin like the greatest violinist in the world. You want to know, what does she look like?”
- “Pregnancy is never, it’s a wonderful thing for the woman. It’s a wonderful thing for the husband. It’s certainly an inconvenience for a business.”
- On working mothers: “An employer could say she’s not giving 100 percent, she’s giving me 84 percent, and 16 percent is going toward taking care of children.”
- Said to 14-year-old girls: “Wow! Just think—in a couple of years I’ll be dating you.”
- “My IQ is one of the highest and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure; it’s not your fault.”
- “Number one, I have great respect for women. I was the one that really broke the glass ceiling on behalf of women, more than anybody in the construction industry.”
I can't even begin how racist and above all hypoctirical it really is to call Mexicans rapists when he has more then one rape charge hanging above his head. I can't scream it loud enough how hypocritical parents that support Trump really are. Why you go and teach your child rape is wrong, sexism is wrong, racism is wrong then you go and vote a man that represents all that?
''Fat. Pig. Dog. Slob. Disgusting animal.'' these are just some of the names Trump calls women. A man that wants to be a president. From saying no one would vote for his former rival Carly Fiorina because of her face to saying women should be "punished" for having abortions and "joking" that he'd date his daughter...I mean is there anything more to say? It should be enough to bury him on the spot but no, people still support him, people still vote for him, women vote for him, I can't...I just can't even begin to understand what the hell is going on. In an interview with Vanity Fair, while he was still married to Ivana, Trump said: “I would never buy Ivana any decent jewels or pictures. Why give her negotiable assets?”. Not to mention he says ''my women''. Women aren't assets Donald.
In the 1993 footage, Trump was asked about his image as a womaniser. He replied: "I don't enjoy that image. Yes I have that image. I think women are beautiful, I think certain women are more beautiful than others, to be perfectly honest and it's fortunate I don't have to run for political office.". Whatever I say at this point it's pretty much pointless don't you think? There was an interview with the ABC news, a long while back, not that that matters much, his views on the world and women haven't changed. In this interview he talked about wives and ''duties''. He said; “I have days where, if I come home and I don't want to sound too much like a chauvinist, but when I come home and dinner's not ready, I go through the roof.” In that same interview, he compared women to buildings and added that he gets bored when they become successful; “I think that putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing, unfortunately, after they're a star, the fun is over for me. It's like a creation process. It's almost like creating a building. It's pretty sad.”
There is also a book, by Carrie Prejean, she referres to a thing called the ''Trump rule'' at the miss USA pageant, which unfortunally he was a co owner of. She wrote that he had the women parade around in front of him so he could separate those he found attractive from those he didn't. She literally wrote; “Many of the girls found this exercise humiliating. Some of the girls were sobbing backstage after he left, devastated to have failed even before the competition really began, it was as though we had been stripped bare.”
And then since the horrible incest jokes never end in an interview where Ivanka was asked what she and her father have in common she said ''real estate or golf'' you know what he said? "Well, I was going to say sex, but I can't relate that to her". If you don't find that absolutely sickening then something must be wrong with you too.
Are we going to turn away from the mass outrage after he adovacted ''some sort of punishment'' for women who have abortions if they are made illegal and let's face it if he has it his way they will be. He was pro choice for a damn long time before changing positions, he now believes that the Supreme Court ruling legalising abortion should be overturned and that individual states should be allowed to ban it. His campaign said he believes abortion should be legal only in instances of rape, incest or when the life of the mother was at stake. "There has to be some form of punishment," he said referring to women who would seek to defy the ban. Then two hours later he changed his position again saying that he would punish doctors who performed abortions but not the women themselves. Okay then, that makes it all alright doesn't it? And then we got the accusations on the final debate where he attacked Hillary with;
''I think it's terrible if you go with what Hillary is saying in the ninth month you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby. Now, you can say that that's okay, and Hillary can say that that's okay, but it's not okay with me. Because based on what she's saying and based on where she's going and where she's been, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month, on the final day. And that's not acceptable.''
Just in case you skipped biology in school Donald, let me point out that at nine months it's not an abortion, it's called giving birth.
And then you've got the one thing that probably shocked me most. I am still horrofied and disgusted and I just can't even process that it actually happened. There was a video in which he discusses ''grabbing women by the pussy'' he said that ''when you're a star they let you do it''. He actually bragged about groping and trying to have sex with women, including married women. Is this what we're teaching kids now? That sexual assault is okay? That groping women is okay? Are you for real?!
Now putting the fact that he's a horrible, sexist, racist human being, if we can call him human at all, let's take a look at the fact why he'd be a terrible president. You know how there is a saying that a ''president is only as good as his advisors''? Now tell me who could and would that is advise Trump. The only thing he knows how to say is ''you're fired''. He's used to doing what he wants, getting everything he wants and being the boss of his own company he was calling all the shots. He doesn't listen to nobody and he sure as hell didn't listen to anyone on his campaign so far when they told him to tone it down. Now imagine would he listen to army advisers, would he listen advice about health care, military, foreign policy the economy? Do you want a man with thin skin and mentality of a five yearold in charge of important desitions? Do you want him in charge of powerful weapon? Do you want him in charge of anything?
What does Donald actually know about politics? He's been spouting hate and racism all over the place but not offering any solutions to anything. And what was his first campaign policy? A bloody wall to keep Mexican people out of the U.S. Putting the fact how racist that really is have you even thought about how impractical it really is? Or insanely expensive? And he plans to charge the Mexican government for the cost of it? Are you absolutely insane? Though you know on the end of the day if it ever happens Mexicans could be glad they would have a huge wall separating them from the bloody psycho. Touching other important policies he said he plans to kill Obama care and replace it with ''something amazing''. Yes. Of course. I bet that's something to look forward to. Specially after Obama finally managed to do something when it comes to healthcare. Let me point it out, health is a basic human right, a priority, it shouldn't be a privilege. While we're talking about politics. He has no experience. He has never been elected office of any kind. He never before gave political speeches. So why on earth, WHY, would anyone asume he'd make a good president? I'm not saying he's not a good businessman, obviously he has to be having built the empire that he did. But for the love of god the White house is not Wall street. Do you think he knows how to deal with Democratic counterparts? Do you think he knows how to give speeches about things he doesn't care about like the poor, the homeless, education? Yes, he doesn't care. He's a shameless self promoter and that's all there is to it. He himself said it that a huge plus of his campaign is the fact that he's rich, if something has to be paid he can pay it himself. Oh, I'm sorry, I had no idea that a thing such as presidency can be bought these days. Sorry. My bad.
We all know about Trumps morals, or lack of them there is, right? The United States president is supposed to be a moral person, a God fearing Christian and a devoted family man or woman. If this is true or not that's another story, but let's look at the past, Reagan failed the first time because voters had a hard time accepting that he was married for the second time. We all saw what happened to Clinton after that affair. But Trump...affairs, sexual assault accusations, ''bastard'' child, married three times, non religious, I mean no president candidate ever had personal life this questionable.
You know that politics is the art of tactics and compromise but Trump doesn't work with anyone, what does he do? He sues everyone. Over the years he's been involved in more then 3500 lawsuits that are not just tied to his business but fired at anyone who did as much as criticize him. He literally sued Palm Beach county because they refused to redirect airplanes further away from one of his estates, which in order to do they would have to relocate the airport. Now tell me please because I'm dying to know how will this man child behave in the White house? In an envirovment where you can't launch a lawsuit each time you don't just get what you want but have to actually compromise or negotiate?
So Trump has this slogan ''Make America great again''...but honestly I believe America is pretty great as it is now. A lot of what makes it great is the political progress it has made over the last century. Just look at the women's rights, racial equality, better lives for people with disabilities and transgender people. Now he threatens to undue all this with his repeated attacks on women, minorities, immigrants, LGBT comunity. All the crap he's been saying definatelly does not reflect the values USA was founded on. America is the place where people can succeed despite their background, gender, race. Obama as the first black president was a huge moment for the country. For the world actually. So now you want to tear all that down, tear everything people tried so hard to build by voting for this orangutan? Might as well say that apartheid was a good idea...then again he basically is saying just that. Nevermind.
Trump actually gone bankrupt four times. Intentionally? He claimed that those bankrupcies weren't failures but strategic decisions to help him make more money. So best case scenario he's lying and he's actually bad at business or worst case scenario, he is intentionally manipulating the system for his personal benefit. We all know how good he is at paying texes, or not paying taxes that is. And you want someone like that handle the country's entire economy? You have got to be kidding me.
Now I know Hillary isn't perfect, I know she has enough skelletons in her closet, probably hasn't been honest all the time because honestly how many politicians are actually honest? But she's far less of a threath then he is. And she's far more of a decent human being then he is. Not to mention it disgusts me how people expect her to be the most qualified woman in history while she's running against least qualified man and she still may not win. We could go on and on and on but what's the point? It's simple, fact is he has proven many many times that he would make a terrible president, there isn't one single argument that would prove it otherwise. And if you still think he's a good man, a good candidate, that he'd make a good president then please do everyone in America and the rest of the world a favor, stay home on election day, because honestly you are just not mature enough to make any sorts of decisions much less an important one such as this.
Oh and just some food for thought there was a time when Hitler was elected, people voted for him, and he turned out to be one of the worst monsters the world has ever seen. We've seen it happen and yet now when it's happening again there's a chance we'll let it. History can't repeat itself. So please, stop it.

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