Monday, October 17, 2016

I'm still breathing on my own.

"Other people call me a rebel, but I just feel like I’m living my life and doing what I want to do. Sometimes people call that rebellion, especially when you’re a woman."
I'd wish you a good morning but is there really such a thing as a good monday morning? Not in my book. And especially not today. I could use about 5 more hours of sleep. So tired. Been awake all damn night. Looks like I turn into a bloody warewolf every month when the full moon is out. Annoying as hell. I've overheard two girls talking today, one said to the other that she's so embarrassed because she really likes this really old song. Let me point out by old I imagined she means the 80's music or so, and then she says ''it's like 5 years old, don't make fun of me please''...uh? Is this some sort of a joke? Or are you testing how long does it take before I just snap? Oh my god! 5 years is old? Bitch please I listen to music that is 50 years old. Oh my god. So I'm either getting older or the kids keep getting dumber. While I know the first one is true I also know in this case it's probably the second. Seriously go back to your sandbox children and leave grandma alone...hah.
Alright so you know about these ''escape rooms''? The real life games where they lock you up in a maze or a room or a prison and you need to find a way to get out? Looks like one of these is opening in my hometown as well. Historic theme, based on the town's history. Of course I had no idea but it literally slammed me in the face the other day while walking through town. I read the story goes something like this, you're falsely accused of grand theft of one of our museums and thrown in jail, the jail cell being an exact replica of an old jail house that is now closed down. So you're in the cell waiting for trial that could put your ass in jail for a long time, your only option is to get out of cell, search the robbers apartment, find the stolen objects and prove your innocence. And you do that by getting through a ton of clues, hints and riddles. You get 60 minutes to get out and you can play in a team of 2,3 or 4. And honestly the words can not contain my excitment. Oh my god. I literally shrieked a little bit when I read the sign on the door. So exciting!
In other news, I took a challenge this weekend. A comission to draw a dog. Yeah. A dog. I'm kinda worried, kinda scared, kinda excited...It's not that I don't know how to draw a dog. Next to the portraits I've been working on it's pretty basic, but shading human skin and drawing fur are two very different things...
That's the dog and the first sketch. Keep in mind that the sketch is not based of this picture before you attack me with ''they don't look alike at all''. I still have time to fuck up the ears or the fur color or the shading but so far so good. The outline turned out better then I hoped it will...
Alright, the music! Today it's going to be a brand new one that I actually got as a late birthday present this friday...
Well I can't go all into details, only had time to listen to it once. But one thing I can tell you right now is that I love it! Green day have been in my top favorites for so long that I don't even remember when I started liking them. I remember my mom bought me their album American Idiot, back when it came out, which is 2004 I think? I know I was in middle school and the ''weird kid'' that liked old rock and punk rock while all the kids in my class listened to cheesy pop and their moms told them to stay away from me because I'm nothing but trouble. Well look at that, I'm plenty normal and intelligent and not in jail 12 years later. Who would of thought. I saw them live for the first time back in 2013, on a festival where they were supposed to play mostly songs from Uno, dos, tre, which you know they did but Billie Joe comes on stage like ''we're just going to play the entire Dookie album for you today''. Hah. Not that I'm complaining, I love that album. They ended up playing 30 songs, two fans got on stage, one to sing and one to play the guitar, there were toilet paper rolls flying around, Billie had a ''gun'' shooting tshirts out to the crowd, it was insane. Expensive but so worth it. Of course having All time low as their opening was only a bonus. Oh by the way. Fuck you All time low. Another UK tour? Sure let's just pretend you toured with the Future hearts in Europe right? What is it with bands and Europe lately? Guns n' roses? The fucking Desert trip?! All time fucking low? Are you all forgetting how many fucking fans you have in Europe? This really pisses me off...alright back to Green day...before I go on another full blown rant about tour dates and how unfair life really is. So Revolution radio as the album is called put them back on Billboard 200 after what 10 years? Maybe more...I think American Idiot is the one that was number one, so that means 12 years since it came out in 2004. It sold in 95,000 copies in the first week, joining 21st century breakdown...which by the way is one of my favorite songs by them. Let's be serious for a second this album is amazing. They're on the scene for a while now, a band in their 40's, and they are still teaching all those young wannabes what punk really is. Good job guys. Good job. This album features a few of Green day musical styles and that's what's so cool about it. It's not repetive. The record is not over produced, there's no filler on it, it's loud, it's fast, it's a crazy ride, just as punk rock should be...
This song is my favorite on this album, they're all good and I love them all but I love this one most, enjoy it, crank it up loud, I know I will, might wake me up and make this monday a little more tolerable. Take care guys, stay safe.

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