Friday, November 1, 2019

Is it just me or is it getting crazier out there?

You know what's the one thing I hate about Halloween? Knowing that when the clock strikes midnight on ''All Hallows Eve'' bam, fucking Christmas everywhere. No, you're right, my distaste towards Christmas hasn't changed. If anything I might despise it more. Our shopping malls have been stocked up on Christmas stuff since last week! God damn animals. All of them! How dare they sell tacky Christmas crap before Halloween? Where can a girl get some fake blood and face paint these days? Seriously!

People though. Never caring about Halloween and suddenly partying like Kanye? What is that about? Did I miss the memo? Is Halloween now slutty costumes, boozy drinks and dry sex on the dance floor? What happened to cute dates in Haunted houses or hay mazes and pumpkin spice lates with leaves crunching under your feet? I'm getting too old for this crap I tell you. Not Halloween per say, just, evolution I'd say. I'm too old school to deal with the modern world.

Also people who don't like Halloween. Uhm excuse me but like, what the hell is the matter with you? It's Halloween. It's a holiday when you are NOT obliged to visit your relatives, who we all secretly hate anyways. People give you candy for no reason and also it's pefectly fine to go outside dressed like a god damn zebra if you want to. And lets not even start with Halloween Oreos. What is there not to love?

To be fair, what I think is that the further we get from magic and mystery in our everyday lives, the more we need something like Halloween. SO in that spirit, as unoriginal as it might be, I let my inner Joker come out and play. I know I should probably dress up a credit card, because let's be honest, I'm always either used or denied. BUT dramatics aside, I didn't chose the Joker because I lack originality but rather because I really felt a conection with the character. This has nothing to do with my ''slight'' crush on the amazing man that is Joaquin Phoenix (or his brother River) but with the fact that his pain, his suffering, his fight with mental illness is relatable. And most of all, the way people treat him. That is relatable.

''The moon has awoken, with the sleep of the sun. The light has been broken, the spell has begun.''

H A P P Y  F U C K I N G  H A L L O W E E N

P.S. You guys! There's finally happy news to report. Like if y'all are with me for a while may remember the crying sobbing posts from March 22nd 2013. That was a dark day...and you'll remember all cough fifty cough posts that followed...all about my broken heart. My Chemical Romance split up and in turn split my heart apart. Gerard Way said ''promise me, when My Chemical Romance is done, you'll do what it takes to survive. You're strong enough to do it without us.'' I am ashamed to admit how many tears I cried over this band. You guys! I'm like crying while I type this...THEY ARE BACK. This time for real, no jokes, no false alarms, this is not a drill, My Chem are back. And seriously, there are so many things wrong in my life, so many fucked up things, but there is one thing that is very right and that is one of my favourite bands being back and I swear to god and anyone listening, it's like the sun had actually risen again. I know most of you wont understand this. But for me, it took a little miracle to show me that life can still be happy and worth living and that happier days are ahead. Well this was my miracle. My boys are back and I am so happy.

Listen up! The future is bulletproof, the aftermath is secondary. It’s time to do it now and do it loud, KILLJOYS MAKE SOME NOISE.

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