Monday, September 2, 2019

“Darling, my attitude is ‘fuck it’; I’m doing everything with everyone.”

Another annual concert. Another local band I absolutely adore. A concert called ''Tribute to legends'' with a band that plays covers of ALL my faves and a singer so good that it feels as if all those amazing bands are actually on stage. We're talking Led Zepp, GN'R, Bon Jovi, Queen, Van Halen, Alice Cooper, Whitesnake, ACDC,…

I think this is the fourth time they played this annual show at the end of the summer. And I think it's my third time going. I skipped them once. I still feel bad about it but the worst of the worst happened. Two concerts at the same night and impossible to go from one to the other. Like WHO does that? Who? Satan you bet. You can't make me choose between my children it's inhumane.

BUT guess what? Even though this was yet another free local show which is a recipe for disaster on any given day, Saturday night was actually really great, no people to annoy me. No people to growl at, no drunks. What happened? No idea, the hell froze over. I have a strong feeling I had to be the drunkest person there. Wait a second. Is this why people didn't bother me? Oh my god! Is this one of those ''if you can't beat them join them'' cases? Woah. Okay. Newsflash moment.

Well I've been crawing some fun, partying, concerts! Guys! I never saw this little concerts as I have this year and I think I am having a crisis! Huge one. The other day I saw a picture of one of those huge harvester machines on a field of wheat at night, tons of lights turned on a little blurry I admit but hell I swear the god I saw a stage and a crowd. And here I am thinking ''this had to be an amazing show I wonder who it was'' and then I see I am fucking fawning over farm gear. Like…if that doesn't speak crisis then I don't know what does.

Guess you could say I let my hair down, had too much to drink, screamed along to the songs a bit too loudly, my throat is still a bit scratchy. I need moments like this in my life, moments in which I remember what happiness feels like. What carefree feels like. What living feels like. These days I only know surviving, I only know struggle, but I don't know how fun feels like anymore. And reminders like these feel amazing.

I literally do live, love, breathe music. I love small clubs, I love intimate crowds. I love big crowds. I love stadiums. I love when music runs through you. I love when you're lost in the beat. I love everything about it. I love it because it feels like home. It feels like everything in the world in that moment, in that hour, just falls into place and everything is okay.

I loved this band since they started out, I love everything they do. Covers are spot on (the band does Bon Jovi better than Bon Jovi atm) and their author songs are amazing as well. I might be slightly obsessed with their first single not going to lie. What I also love about their shows no doubt is the fact that you see all generations, from literally little kids to seniors all rocking out to the same music. To in my opinion the ONLY music. Yes there's a lot of amazing musicians out there, in pop, blues, jazz, classical…but hell none of them move the soul like Rock N Roll does. Like they say about motorcycles, 4 wheels move the body, but 2 wheels move the soul.

Rock N Roll just might be the gods greatest gift to humanity. Or let's say music in general is gods greatest gift to humanity. There's so much that's wrong with the world and so much that's wrong with humans, the sheer lack of compassion, the evil, the cruel, the ugly, but then you look at a Rolling stones album or Led Zepp, and damn! There's so much that's right with the world as well.

Enjoy your week guys, to all you starting schools or universities today or next month, my condolences, stay strong, good luck and all the best in the new school year.

P.S. Check out the band on FB or IG under ''kobrarockshow''

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