Friday, September 1, 2017

My world's on fire, how about yours? That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored.

You know that line in one of them Harry Potter movies; ''Everything's going to change now, isn't it?''...
Everything in my life is changing as well and I feel completly overwhelmed. Change is good. Most of the time. Change means you're growing, hopefully going on a better path in your life. Change means leaving behind what hurt you. Change means doing rather then dreaming. But that doesn't make it any less terrifying.
Here's the deal. I am not who I used to be. Not at all. None of my past friends would know who I am today if I'd wrote them down a few simple facts about me. I've grown a lot. I'm no longer a naiive little girl. I'm no longer as broken as I used to be. I think in a different way, I see things open minded, I love differently, I enjoy different things in life. I like different things, I'm interested in different things. I express myself differently, even my art is no longer the same. It's darker then it used to be, because my mind is a darker place then it used to be. But that's okay, rather then fighting demons I learned to accept them. I cuss and drink more but that's fine I never claimed to be an angel. And I am more courageous, doing things I never thought I could, like putting people in their place instead of letting them walk all over me.
I changed because there was a time when I had my entire life planned out, and I learned the hard way that nothing is ever as easy. Things fall apart, plans fall apart, people leave, life changes, your priorities change. And that's alright. I changed to be softer to strangers and I learned to love those I love stronger. I changed and learned to be more realistic, ''And now that you've been broken down. Got your head out of the clouds. You're back down on the ground. And you don't talk so loud. And you don't walk so proud.''.
But here's the deal despite the changes I am not the person I want to be. Not yet at least. And that's alright, there's always space and time to grow, don't say you did or that you are the best you could be, say ''I am the best I could be for now''. Never close the doors to change and growth. Always be open for compassion and empathy and understanding and love. Take a second and be proud of everything you've done so far but never settle. Always strive for more.
Thing is, you will always have worries, you will always have fears, you will always find something to be uncertain about but that is life, it's normal, it happens to all of us. But if you want to live to the fullest and breathe and grow you can't wait till you're no longer afraid. The path to success is never clear, it's never easy. It's hard and it's supposed to be, if it wasn't everyone could do it. I learned that no matter how hard and dark times may get, there's always room for change, there's always room to improve. And here's the deal, I am really scared, these recent changes will literally turn my world upside down, but I am willing to go down this road because I know that in the end it will be worth it.
There are things I can't control and not being able to change those is hell. I am still learning how to make peace with that and let live but maybe I'm not quite there yet. Someday. When you learn how to be comfortable in your own skin, with your own life despite the fear and change and growth and anxiety it gives you, that's when you really learned how to do this thing called life.
And here's something someone way smarter then me once told me, he said if I am still waiting for that one special person that will come along and change my life then I need to take a good long look in the mirror. And he was right, the only one that can make a change in your life is you and you alone.
In that spirit, while scrolling through tumblr earlier I saw something that was literally like a sign that everything will be alright. I was just a bunch of pictures with the following words ''Relax, you will graduate. You will get a job. You will find love. You have an entire life. Things take time. Just enjoy where you are now.'' Amen. I am driving myself crazy over such petty things, instead of enjoying the moment. Living in the moment. Life is too short to be anything but happy.

1 comment:

  1. Change as much as you like as long as you keep your marvellous posts coming. Do I know anyone else, besides a pro reviewer, who knows so much about rock, and has such a lot of lyrics at his/her fingertips? No.
    I frequently don´t have time to read your posts on the days they are published, but I still look forward to every single one.
