This week has been an emotional rollercoaster. Probably more down's then up's too. The only thing keeping me sane is literally Bucky Barnes and Doctor Strange *I might be a bit of a geek yes, but Civil war and Doctor Strange are such good movies, well all of them are but this two happen to be my favorites* and the fact that I managed to rescue a kitty last night. After I spent an hour crying thinking I'd have to leave him out in the cold, but thanks to our shelter that came to pick him up in the middle of the night that is sorted. It's a no kill shelter as well and the cat was too adorable so I'm sure he'll find a new home in no time. It doesn't take much guys, a little random act of kindness, we should all learn how to be kind to eachother because the world is too dark as is. Kindness is all we have left. We're all the same, we don't need to treat eachother badly. We need to learn love and respect. Kindness begins with understanding we all struggle. You don't know the things someone is dealing with on the inside, untill you get to know that person. A friend once told me that I should radiate as much love as possible because love is like rain and we're all flowers in the desert. And he was right. Each day is a new opportunity, we should do good, be kind, be nice, help someone, smile to a stranger, be a friend to someone, encourage someone, care about someone, feed a hungry animal, pet a stray, let your words make a difference and heal not wound. But be cautious, be kind and gracious but don't let people take your kindness as your weakness, leave the beast inside you asleep not dead. You never know when you'll need it to come out and fight. Because no matter what you do, no matter how good you are, there are still people out there that will do the exact opposite. And though I believe love is stronger then hate, you still can't hug the hate out of someone.
So all that aside, I finished two drawings in the past week, that's all I do at night lately. Sleeping is an option I'm not getting so I best keep busy somehow...
That first one would be Norman Reedus, took me about twenty hours and I'm still not completly happy with it, or better yet the left hand. I really suck at drawing hands and it shows, that's why I've been trying to draw more of them lately. Practice makes perfect right? I couldn't draw faces and eyes like I do now way back when as well...for this one I used Kohinoor graphite pencils B, 2B and 4B, Derwents shading tool and blender, Faber Castells pencil eraser and a white ballpoint pen.
Second one is a portrait of Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange. I love Ben he did such an amazing job with this part and I had so much fun drawing him. Even if I struggle with color portraits. About 25 hours of work all together, Faber Castell polychromos, Kohinoor pencils B, 2B, 6B, I used pencils for the hair instead of black color pencils because it just looks nicer. Markers on the suit to blend the colors better and white ballpoint pen for some details. I hope you enjoy, I know it's not perfect but I'm trying. It's still only a part time activity that I love but hold no illusions that I could live of it.
Now. Back to the reason why I even write posts on mondays. I skipped my ''music monday'' more then once and it's about time I get back to it. With a record that's currently playing in my player...

Nashville Skyline is Dylan's 9th album, some people say it's also his best album. No arguing here since it's my favorite. It has the song Lay lady lay which is the only song in his recording history to hit top ten. I guess you could say he wasn't afraid to experiment a little bit, or pick up something from Johnny Cash since this record is completly different from anything he's done. It's missing the whole ''whiny''voice and the harmonica and *please don't shoot me* that's excatly what I like most. This was recorded and released in 1969 and I believe there's plenty Dylan was inspired by. In 1968 both Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy were assassinated, there were riots and political protests going on in major cities. Richard Nixon was sworn into the office at the begining of 1969. And I suppose at the time Dylan was a leading cultural figure, since he's been pretty vocal when it came to social and political commentary.
We all know that Dylan is a special kind of person, from his ''diva tantrums'' to his latest Nobel prize drama which by the way I still feel nobody is more deserving, because his lyrics are absolutely amazing. Except maybe the Boss, but that's a whole different story. Thing is that Dylan didn't give a damn about recording a masterpiece, he did his own thing not concerned with how it'll play out, but I think that's excatly what he did with this record. A masterpiece. I love the duet Girl from the North Country, the way Johnny's and Dylan's voice blend together is just amazing. People said the way they sing different lyrics or phrase the same words differently while singing together bothers them but I actually absolutely love that. I love the songs Peggy day and Country pie, they're upbeat and a little easier. Thing is Dylan's music is known to be complicated, for more ''educated listeners'' and this is sort of a new insight of Dylan's songwriting. Sure these songs may not be one of Dylan's best songs he's ever written but they are still great songs. Point is he is one of the greatest songwriters that ever lived, which the Nobel prize now also confirmed. I suppose the only thing I don't particulary like is that it's only 27 minutes long. I could listen to this music a hell of a lot longer then just 27 minutes. The record made at the height of hippie love, anti war movment, politics and social issues, Dylan wasn't out to send a message or lost in his own art, trying to be the voice of the generation. He wasn't concerned with popularity or fame. He was in the midst of inspiration and clarity that the south has offered and that is what created this never before heard ''country rock'' style album. Why did he go to Nashville in the first place? I think the anwser to that question is Johnny Cash. God I wish I could see them talking about working together. And then actually work together. Man, had to be an amazing sight. Anyways, I enjoy this record more then anything else Dylan put out, give it a chance, take a listen, it's only 27 minutes of your life, and they can be 27 minutes of pure magic.
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