Monday, June 22, 2020

New world order.

I wrote and deleted the first line three times now. Something I never do. I suppose it's hard. Starting with a ''bad day'' or a ''bad week'' seems silly. It's not a bad week or a bad month. It's a bad year, it's a bad life. Things have just been going wrong so much lately. I'm sure many of you can relate. I remember each time I write a new years post I write ''please *enter year* treat us better'' or ''please be good'' and despite it all I think 2020 just fucked us most. It may seem crazy or unbelievable but what's really killing me are concerts. My own personal and best therapy and having it taken is just the worst kind of punishment. Yes I get it, things could be worse, and concerts will be back, but y'all read my blog, you know what and how much they mean to me and without that sort of outlet, that happy place, well I'm pretty lost. 

I tried to do something fun this weekend for a change. My annual favourite event ''Night at the museum'' was going on on Saturday. But this year all the fun was taken out of it. It's been one hell of a weather with the pouring rain and weird humidity that makes people with allergies like mine choke but also the masks in the museum, the keeping distance, the depressed tense atmosphere and people glaring. It's rough. Life goes on sure, but if life goes on like this…I'd rather it stopped for a little while longer. 

While most exhibitions are permanent and I know them by heart by now, I still go check them out each year. Some things I enjoy watching all over again, like the big bear or the painted ceiling and the best preserved Roman street on this side of Europe. And there's always some small new surprises to see. Our town has very rich Roman history so each time something is repaired, a hole is dug, the river is searched, new findings pop up. 

This time there was a new exhibition I was looking forward to. About rock music in our country and former Yugoslavia. It's amazing just how many amzing musicians we have, how much good music, but it's just lost in the floods of recent crap we tend to call music. So many bands broke up by now, some died, some still exist but they weren't just musicians, at some point in time they represented hope, rebellion, change,…

It's a brilliantly set exhibition, highlighting musicians that left a statement on the Slovenian music scene, ours and those from countries around us. And the whole lay out of the exhibition is probably the closest to a concert I'll get in a long while, the rooms you walk around follow in a particular order. Like a festival it starts with a little stage where it's musicians country wide, big stage with names that are from all around former Yugoslavia, in between you find a so called ''political stage'', which may be my favourite part, showing and explaining the spirit of rock, the like I called it earlier, rebellion, being different, offering a different outlook on things and offering a way out of the boring and normal. The room layout obviously ends with a ''backstage'', that one is dedicated to our local bands, from our hometown. Might be the most important part. We have so much good music here too.

Obviously what the exhibition shows in the first place are guitars, drums  and other gear, clothes, records, some personal items from the musicians that changed our world in the time period between 1960 and 1991. I am a strong believer that music and especially rock music has the power to change the world and this is a clear back up of that idea, music can break barriers in people's minds, in politics, in cultures in everything really. It's an universal language and a statement like no other. 

It's a funny feeling walking through an exhibition looking at things and pictures of people you actually know. I don't know, should it make me feel old or…? Going through this, remembering how it's set into stages, the barricades, the guitars, the lights…fuck me I miss concerts. I don't get how people live, how do you live never going to concerts? I can't seem to understand it…

The rest is business as usual, the paved Roman street which come to think of it after seeing Pompeii last year is not as fascinating no more and I'd actually need someone to explain to me why is ours different and ''one of a kind'' in it's way. I mean in Pompeii all Roman streets are preserved and you obviously also can walk on them. I think I heard once that it's special because it's a ''highway'' in a way. And it's supposed to be unique because of that, not sure though. Gotta look into that, I suppose it's time to bug museum employees yet again, by now they all know me and by some miracle they're not sick of me yet. 

Business as usual means also going to see my bear again. Can't do without the bear…

As always the night has to end with a drink but believe me even that one feels bitter when your favourite places aren't even open and won't be anytime soon. I guess is the new ''normal'' we have to get used to now. Actually, fuck that, it's not normal, it's crazy, it's madness but I guess this madness is our new reality.  It's a fucked up world as I said so many times before but I think this kinda fucked up I didn't even dream of.

I suppose this is it for today. Another long Monday and I'm ready to fall into bed. It might be true that you don't hate Mondays but your life but so help me Jesus it feels like Mondays never end. Have a good week guys, I hope you find some sort of fun to make things seem less gloomy. I'm actually going to a local concert on Wednesday. Tiny event not even comparable to what I miss so much and I don't even know the band but I'm having such a withdrawal crisis from concerts that I'd probably go see Justin Bieber should he play here. Gonna be ''fun'', muzzled and annoyed but I'm willing to try. 

P.S. All but one picture of me are taken of my butt because I have a problem of being pictured muzzled. Feels and looks dumb...but it's okay because it's been a good hair day...

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