Thursday, May 25, 2017
Cry, if you want to cry, if it helps you see, if it clears your eyes.
My god, it's been a long week. I don't even know where to start.
A bomb at a concert in Manchester. A bomb on a concert that mostly kids attend. I can't even begin to express the level of disgust and horror and sickness I feel. I can hardly find words now, to even process or say what I want to say. Music is a safe zone, a get away, a release to so many people. I know what it means to me, it makes me happiest. Concerts make me happy. Music makes me happy. I can't imagine someone taking that away from me. I can't imagine some sicko taking that away from the kids. Nobody should go to a concert and never come home. Concerts are like coming home to so many kids, for that hour or two or three you feel like you're home, like you belong, like you're exactly where you're supposed to be. It's about sharing a bond, with the fans, with the artist. The bond you feel surrounded by strangers that feel like family because you're all there for the exact same reason. The bond you feel with the artist, the goosebumps you feel when that first chord of your favorite song hits and you've never felt more alive. Thing is, no matter how hard it gets, how messed up this world is, we should never let that bond get broken. Nothing should tear it apart, in these dark times we should only make it stronger. Stand together and rise up against it.
I've seen some comments on twitter and I can't even begin to explain how rude, tastless and mean I find them. Nobody cares whos concert it was, I'm personally not a fan of Ariana either but that makes no difference to me, what happened should never happen. What happened is not her fault or her fans fault. Nor should she be blamed based on her music and clothes. This is only one man's fault. A monster. He doesn't even deserve to have his name remembered or mentioned. This is not religion, it's not Islam, it's not Christianity, it's an act of complete barbarism. Taking the lives of innocent children who were out to see their idol. Taking parents from those children...taking kids who had so much to live for, so many dreams, goals, aspirations...these are not actions of a human but a beast.
What happened in Manchester is an absolute tradgedy but people are forgetting or I don't know maybe they are ignorant on's not just the UK, it's not just Europe. On the same day there was car bombing in Syria, a bomb in Bangkok, terrorists taking over Marawi where people are still trapped and dying and the world still turns a blind eye to it all. Ignoring it is easier? I guess so. But why are their lives worth less? Is this another white privilege? Children are still children, people are still people and nobody deserves this life. Don't be ignorant.
To ALL the victims and ALL the families affected by any and all of these events all over the world. I am so sorry, my heart is broken just as yours is. I hope time brings you at least a little bit of comfort.
It feels wrong to write about anything else in the same post, but to be honest I don't want another sad post when it feels like sad posts are all I write lately.
By now I believe you all heard about Chris Cornell, the what, how, why...I'm not going to sit here and pretend I was a huge fan of either Soundgarden or Audioslave. I liked some of their music and that was that. But that makes no difference, Chris's death was a huge shock. I admired him, as an artist, he had an amazing voice. And after hearing what really happened. Well that really hit home. I feel like when it's suicide it hits twice as hard. It hurts because these things could have been prevented. No matter the case, no matter the reason, if we were all just a little kinder, nice, willing to help one another, spread love instead of much of it could be prevented.
But the thing that really bothers me is Chris's mother in law. His wife is handling this so well and so graceful. And then there is her mother, on twitter, attacking Eddie Vedder using words like ''peasant'' and ''gypsy''. I understand grief, lord knows I do, and I understand that anger is often a part of processing that grief but there should be some lines in the sand you shouldn't cross. How Eddie decided to handle his grief is his own problem and if not making a statment is his way of coping that's his business, he's not obligated to say anything. Haven't you heard that line before ''silence speaks volumes''? Turning people against him now, turning the fans against him and the band. That's just completly out of line and disrespectful. Chris wouldn't want any of it. And all that coming from a woman that only used his name to get herself some attention.
Last song he sang on stage was Led Zepp's ''In my time of dying''. ''In my time of dying, I want nobody to mourn. All I want for you to do is take my body home''. To the people that don't seem to understand why people, the fans, mourn an artist...these artists were our shoulder to cry on at some point. They've been our rock, our comfort, our safe haven. They've been our families, our leaders, friends, teachers, role models, heroes. They've been there for us when we felt completly alone, they gave us a hand and picked us up from the ground when things got really rough. They've helped us move on, be stronger, be braver. Artists and musicians inspire us in endless ways and on a daily basis. And most importantly they've been with us through different stages of our lives, maybe we've grew up with them, maybe they were there on our most important days, maybe they were just making us happier in general. We've made so many memories with them, so when they die...a part of us dies too.
Rest In Peace, Chris, you will be missed.
I can't believe that there's one more thing I have to add to this post. And this one really hurts. I learned a while back that I really can't handle someone I love hurting in any kind of way. Then again who can? Who can sit by and watch someone you care about suffering...and suffering in a way that you can't even help them. That is...that is hell. Specially when you can relate, when it's the kinda hell you've once been in so you know just how bad it really is...
Oh baby, my heart was so broken last night when I learned what is going on. I hate, HATE knowing that you're hurting and there is nothing any of us can do to help you. And I think it's very courageous that you told all of us what's happening. You didn't have to but you did, that was very brave. Depression is hell, it can hit everyone and it's so hard to overcome but what really matters is knowing you're not alone. And you're not. Your family, your friends, your fans, we're all here for you, we'll all wait for you to get better because that's the only thing that matters, nothing else but you being alright.
You once helped me when I was at my worst, I wish I could do the same for you now. I love you so much, stay strong, fight this, I know you can. I can't wait to see that big bright smile again, when you're ready that is. I just hope you know that you're so precious to so many people, and so special and so amazing, and so perfect in so many ways. I love you, I love you, I love you, thank you for everything.
staying strong,
the world,
Monday, May 15, 2017
Just me and my old blue jeans.
Just to keep things interesting I decided to do something different today. Once again. You figured out by now that I love music right? And art, and art history and regular history. So when all that blends into one I'm probably the happiest person on the planet. Well that was a bit over the top, I never was the happiest person and I probably never will be but you get the general idea right?
Some saturday mornings I manage to get out of bed at a semi normal hour *cough ten am cough* and what's better on such morning then a little arts and culture and such? The source of my happiness this week was a new museum exhibition in our local ''museum of modern history''. I spend quite a lot of time there, they have this permanent exhibition called ''Living in Celje'' which is a tribute to our city, there's this chronological overview of the 20th century history of the city and the people. And my absolute favorite thing the actual street with tiny old shops on the second floor, reconstructed as they once were and you can walk through the street, looking at shop windows, a market and a middle class apartment.
All that aside there's a different exhibition this post is going to be about. A temporary one. They have plenty of those, out of which I basically saw all. This one is called ''Jeans generation'' popular culture of this town from jeans to cellphones. It's a variety of objects popular with basically everyone since the 50's and up to today. It's not just things though, it's also a story of what life was like here, what growing up was like here. And of course this relationship with the popculture and it's movments, and ties to what was going on in the world at the time.
This is what it says at the begining;
Dear visitor,
if you are wearing a piece of denim or if you carry a cell phone, then a tour of this exhibition will go beyond being a mere journey from the first pair of jeans to your mobile phone; rather, you will become a part of the show as you actively contribute to it and continiue the story of Celje's popular culture. In a way, you will be the show. As you will soon find, this is not only an exhibition about Celje's popular culture, but also an exhibition about you, your experiences, your music, your favorite piece of clothing, your favorite book and film, perhaps your first and maybe even the last app downloaded to your smartphone. This is an exhibition about the past and the present, and about a variety of topics intertwining and completing each other to create an all embracing story about the popular culture of Celje.
P.S.: Photos, selfies, use of social networks, commenting, likes etc. are allowed at this exhibition.
That last one made me giggle. Hah. Now back to the point, I really loved it, not just because it's so me it made me feel like I should stand in a corner as part of the exhibition but also because it was amazing seeing all the old tickets for music festivals, some long gone but some that are still going on today which I'm now a part of as well. And it was also a nice memory of things we all miss, such as this really great club, it was called ''Kljub'' which is a brilliant name because not only it means ''club'' in our language but also because it's shortened of the word ''kljubovati'' which means to oppose or to defy. It was opened in 1965 for a short period of time my grandmother worked there as an event planner. Who would of thought? During the 80's and later it was transformed into this place of socializing and just a get away of a sorts for all kinds of creativity and different alternative cultures. It was unfortunally closed down in 2005. Tragic day that was I tell you...
I really enjoyed the exhibition, it's a perfect blend of the old and new, funny how some things come back and some never leave they just...adapt to modern are some pictures, enjoy,...
P.S. Should I worry that the outfit on that second picture might as well be stolen from my own closet?
The exhibition is located in Museum of modern history in Celje, Slovenia and will be open until September 2017. If you're around come check it out.
Monday, May 8, 2017
If I had a dollar for each time a baby boomer complains about the millennials I could buy a house in the economy they ruined.
You know what really bothers me these days? I know I know, you don't want to hear about the millionth thing that bothers me but you will anyways. The god damn baby boom generation. I mean not all of them but most of them. All the talk about millennials. Millennials this millennials that...
Warning: quite a lot of swear words ahead. I'm upset, let me be.
You know what's funny, we, the millennials are a generation of kids who were told all our lives that failure is not an option. How are you supposed to develope the skills you need to deal with your own emotions after you do lose? Because let's face it life is not all sunshine and rainbows. And secondly nobody ever tells you how to deal with the amount of pressure we've been subjected to through our entire lives. Social preassures such as terrorist attacks, recessions, all this talk of war, tension here tension there, all the racism, homophobia, all the hate. And all that mixed with the pressure of schooling, did you know that students these days are subjected to the same stress as people in mental hospitals in the 50's? Am I the only one who thinks that's insane? Not to mention the social pressure of going to college or worse not going to college when once you think about it isn't even a realistic or worthwile investment no more. Schools are expensive as hell, and once you're done with them then what? If you're lucky you get a job. IF you're lucky. But it's not a job you'd want, it's not a job you'd be passionate about, a job you'd love. And you know what? You have to take it anyways because who the fuck cares about ambitions and wishes and goals and dreams...that's so passe isn't it? And the worst part? Despite having a crap job that you hate you have it just to survive. And you still can't. I find it insane that kids these days don't dream of crazy things but actual financial security, a job they wouldn't hate, a small place of their own. I can't stand the fact that these things that are just basic needs are becoming dreams.
I have this feeling that our lives are a different type of monopoly, the kind where you're just walking around paying but never buying anything because you can't afford shit.
I can't stand the constant accusations of being lazy when you miss out on one of many things expected of us. Or an idiot when you want a job that will actually challenge you and help you grow instead of slowly killing you inside. I don't understand what's so bad about wanting to try out different things, about not wanting to stay in one place for too long. In wanting to grow and change and just live.
So maybe all these older generations are better then us, they're not ''lazy'', they're not a snowflake that needs a safe space because words hurt *idiots*. But you know what? You're also better at being homophobic, sexist, racist, and in creating the worst and I do mean the worst job and housing market this world has ever seen then dumping it all on us, telling us we're the ones who fucked up the economy we never even touched. And despite everything you have the nerve to call us sefish, selfcentered, entitled, narcissistic and lazy while we're the ones struggling with school and jobs at the same time and struggling to live a normal adult life that we can't even afford. And doing things at the side we actually care about. So yes maybe we won't do better and maybe you are better then us but christ we sure as hell can't do worse.
Oh right ''You kids don't know how hard we had it! Everyone had to use the Library to get information and we didn't have cell phones!'' and most of my generation suffers from depresion and wants to die, but you're right, not having cell phones and google is far worse…my bad.
The thing is of course we want more from our lives, we were told all our lives, just go to college and you'll get a great job. Well guess fucking what? College and thousands of dollars of debt later there are no jobs. 2 or 3 minimum wage jobs still not being able to survive is disgusting.
''Why not get a better job instead?'' Oh I don't know, why don't people that are drowning just breathe more?
''Get a part time job to pay off your student debt'' You can't pay off you student debt all your life with a full time job these days.
''Millennials are so entitled'' Because nothing screams entitled more then interns with degrees working for free.
''You are too sensitive, do you need a safe space?'' Says someone who can't hear a swear word or god forbid see a nipple.
So you're saying that teenagers are too young to know their sexual orientation or whether or not they’re in love but they are old enough to vote and to be deciding what career and degree and life they want to have forever. How very convenient isn't it?
I honestly don't even understand being called selfish? I mean honestly how are we selfish, greedy, self entitled? If you go around asking any of my friends what they really want, all they'd say is a tiny apartment, a job that pays enough so I can at least buy food and a dog or a cat but only if I can feed them. How is that greedy?!
I don't understand all this talk about young people being rude and horrible. Have you ever seen an older person at a restaurant? Or at the store? They throw a tantrum for every single petty little thing. I get told to shut up and sit down because homophobia offends me while these people were offended having to drink from the same water fountain as a black person.! we get called a ''snowflake'' for protesting against and for things that matter but they write a ten page review for a restaurant because they had to wait 10 minutes longer to get their food. Oh my god.
The whole ''you'll see what it's really like when you get out in the real world''. Bitch where the fuck do you think I was up till now? Hogwarts?
Here's a lovely thought, a millenial takes too many selfies in one day spamming up their facebook account but a baby boomer manages to destroy, British, global and continental economy all in one day. But please do tell me how taking selfies is such a crime. You know what really sets me off? They already fucked up the world we are forced to live in but they still continiue to do so. They're the ones ruining the countries, fucking up the politics and economy, making terrible decisions that not only they but us as well have to live with.
So help me god if I hear another ''when I was your age I was married with kids and had my own house, no reason you can't do that too''. Now sit down and shut up Susan and listen to me. 40 years of exponential inflation. You know what that means? It means that a young let's say 20 something couple with low or middle income jobs could buy a house for 30 000 which would now cost 600 000. Expecting our generations to do same as you did is not only ridiculous but also completly ignorant. Our hard work and money doesn't give us half the things it gave you, 7 dollars used to have the same buying power that 50 dollars have today. Living expences are going up and wages stay the same. Rent is 50% of the minimal wage. Student loans for colleges and jobs we don't even get. Health care aparently is no longer a right but a privilege. How the fuck do you expect us to move out, buy a house, buy a car, have children, save money?!
Here's a few facts for you;
Millennials Are the Most Educated, Worst Paid Generation.
The good news: millennials are the savviest, best-educated generation to date. The bad news: They're also earning less than ever. The averaged earnings of adults ages 18-34 between 2009 and 2013—$33,880—is the lowest since 1980
-New York Times
Part of the problem, of course, is the slow economy, high unemployment, stagnant wages, and crushing student loan debt that most millennials shoulder. The other part of the problem is the Baby Boomers. The children of the greatest generation, but also be the most irresponsible generation.
Life is just peachy isn't it?
Now my final words to all my fellow millennials. Life is hell I know, there's been more ups then downs. But there are some things they don't want you to know that you need to know. Things such as how our generation is actually much larger then the baby boomers. They know that if we turned towards a political reform we could change the world. They want us to be stagnant on stupid tv shows and dumb music. They want to cut down our education and feed us brain candy instead. It's a lot easier to raise sheep then revolutionaries right? They intentionally took away our music and gave us MTV's top 50 pop charts that are just about the dumbest thing out there. They took away our art and started force feeding us all these dumb reality shows, all in the hopes that we'd sit quietly and patiently and let them run the world. Or should I say ruin the world. We as a society are only as strong as our weakest link. Now my question is, are we really going to stand by and let this happen? Watch it happen? Or are we going to give them hell?
P.S. to the few baby boomers that understand, and are not ignorant like the rest of the world. Thank you, I appreciate you, if only there were more of you.
baby boomers,
Monday, May 1, 2017
Ti si pač ti in to je nekaj več
S tabo misli so ideje in ideje novi cilji. S tabo cilji so izzivi in izzivi so rešljivi. Je lepo ko v meni prebudiš občutke, je lepo ko večno spremeniš trenutke.
Vidim nebo ti si del neba, slišim srce si del srca, nisi premalo nisi preveč, ti si pač ti in to je več. Vidim nebo ti si del neba, slišim srce si del srca, nisi premalo nisi preveč ti si pač ti in to je nekaj več.
S tabo je tako preprosto, enostavno in zabavno. Si ljubezen ki kar traja, si ljubezen ki ostaja. Je lepo ko je življenje potovanje, je lepo ker ti presegaš moje sanje.
Vidim nebo ti si del neba, slišim srce si del srca, nisi premalo nisi preveč, ti si pač ti in to je več. Vidim nebo ti si del neba, slišim srce si del srca, nisi premalo nisi preveč ti si pač ti in to je nekaj več.
Šank Rock - Nekaj več
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