Monday, March 28, 2016

She comes like electric lover, she got me reeling got me losing control.

Alright family...another monday. Ugh. I hate mondays. This one even more because it's a holiday. Some holiday alright. I'm not sure if it's Easter or the end of the world. Pretty sure I've seen two older women beating the shit out of eachother for the last ham. Uh excuse me? What are we doing? The hunger games? Are you absolutely insane? I thought the point is spending time with your family if anything not stuffing your face into oblivion. Jesus Christ. Since you probably noticed I am not a fan of the holidays at all. Valentines day disgusts me and Christmas makes me want to murder first George Michael for that god awful song and then every single person that says Merry Christmas. These are religious holidays, I'm not religious, I don't appreciate having then pushed down my throat for the sake of your ''tradition''. Also I hate people who go to church, invite the whole family over, make a bunch of food and do all the shenanigans for the sake of ''tradition''. Uh excuse you? There's always place and time for new traditions. Wanna have Christmas in July? Go for it. Who the fuck can tell you you can't do that? Feel like coloring eggs in November? Why the fuck not? People are too close minded they live in their god damn boxes and thinking they have to do what society tells them to do in order to be excepted. Well fuck that. That's no way to live. Feels more like a prison to me. I find it so idiotic when people stare at me like I have two heads when I say I don't celebrate nor Easter and nor Christmas. I don't care about your god. He could be doing backflips butt naked on top of Mt Everest and I wouldn't care. I find it hypocritical that saying I believe in Odin, Thor, Balder, Frey, Freya, Loki...makes me insane, make people laugh themselves to death but believing into a man that turned water into wine, walked on water, a virgin birth of a child by a child, a talking snake, incest, well that's so damn normal right? Let me just point out that Easter actually is a rip off of the Pagans. ''Easter'' comes from the Saxon Goddess ''Eostre''. The easter bunny and the whole egg hunt comes from German Pagan myths. And the whole image of the ''god'' buried in his tomb only to rise again on Easter is in fact a Pagan one. This day actually marked spring therefore rebirth. That's all there is to it. But can we just take a look how confusing Easter really is? I mean if you grow up Christian alright you get the ''point'' of it but if you're like me...all the religion I got was from Supernatural and Dr. Who then you're just sitting here thinking ''what the fuck is the matter with these people??''. I mean a giant rabbit *huh?* hides eggs *what?* in your house or in your backyard, then you go on an ''egg hunt'' and when you've found them congratulations you have an egg. Of maybe if you're lucky a chocolate egg because who really wants a hardboiled egg thats been burried under a god damn bush anyways? I mean I remember finding out the Tooth fairy and Santa are fake but nobody ever told me the Bunny isn't real because honestly I just knew that that's fucking bullshit in my head. A giant rabbit. Rabbits don't lay eggs. Such fucking nonsense. Can you for a moment imagine you forget one of the eggs you hid in your house for the hunt? Now that's the kinda smell I don't need in my life thanks. And the last thing that bothers me is the whole corruptive part of it. It's not a family holiday it's a lets pull as much money we can from stupid people type holiday. When I was a kid my family did a sort of Easter thing because everyone in my daycare was religious so I wouldn't feel ''left out''. To be honest I never minded being different or special in that way but still they tried bless their souls. Point is when I was a kid, for easter the bunny brought candy or fruit, or like a small toy or something yet these days the bunnys seem to be fucking billionares. The other day in front of me at the store there was a woman, obviously buying presents for Easter, she spent way over 100 fucking euros and I remember just gawking at her. Jesus fucking christ lady are you insane? Though while we are on the present subject...I was informed that there is a ''Benedict Cumberbatch chocolate easter bunny'' and to be fair I wouldn't be opposed to having that as a present. Hah. On a serious note, I don't care what you believe, what you celebrate. In a free world you're allowed to do whatever the fuck you please, all I want is a little breather to those of us who don't. I don't care about no pope, the mass, all the religious crap *you have a commandment ''thou shall not kill'' yet there's meat on your table during Easter? Funny* the traditions, your god damn family, the lent, the fact that all you really do is eat yourself into a coma. Your problem, just stop staring at me like I'm insane or thinking I'm insane because I don't do religious holidays. Get it? Got it? Good. I'm done. Happy Holidays, spend it with people that matter to you, even if it is by yourself listening to music. Sometimes you is the most important to you and that's completly okay.
Alright back to my music. Which is of course far more important then any holiday ever will be...
This was actually the first brand new record that I got. Thing is I listen to very little music made after like 95. Let's be honest. Good music just died after 2000. So therefore most my records are first press the 80's or the 90's a couple of them even older from the 70's and I have a few from the 60's that are in surprisingly good condition. Now I always saw the guys from Guns as Guns n' Roses it was rather hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that they're all individuals and make music on their own. Insanely good music that is. I found myself falling in love with Duff's voice. Man he can sing. But that's not the point. Slash is a guitar god. Whatever he does is amazing. I mean this was his third solo album and all the fucking killer riffs and tasty solos...jesus christ orgasm on a vinyl. I think I like this one best to be honest. First two were awesome but this...this one is perfect. The songwriting is more consistent, the songs feel more hard driving, the entire album feels like it just sucks you in and makes you listen from start to finish. The riffs in 30 years to life, Shadow life, Wicked stone were like the best of Slash's work, not counting the early GN'R of course. I mean Wicked stone would feel right at home on a Guns album and let's not even start with 30 years to life where Slash doubled up with a rhythm guitar to create a mindblowing rock anthem. I absolutely adore Miles' voice on Stone blind, reminds me so much of Axl Rose in Brownstone. And to be fair I had never heard a sick riff - solo as there is in Withered Delilah and at the end of Beneath the Savage sun. Fucking guitar genius I tell you that. I love that it ends with The Unholy because it has this dark vibe it kinda fits together you know? And on the end of the day Miles is completly underrated. His voice is amazing. Alter Bridge are such a good band and when you throw those vocals together with the insanity that is Slash you get a completly mindblowing combination that leaves you gasping on the ground begging for more. Hah. See what I did there? On a serious note it really is amazing, such a great album, the music, the lyrics, the vocals. All of it is perfect. Now though I already expressed which songs I feel are the best, the song I enjoy most is actually Dirty girl. Long story for another time but it's my favorite even if some people called it a ''filler'' that makes the record too long. Not. Anyways if you're a fan of either Alter Bridge, Guns n' Roses or just rock music in general, go pick this one up because you won't regret it. If you don't...well you don't know what you're missing.
I can't wait to see it, you just won't believe it the things she does. There may never be two ways about it. Everything she do just turns me on. Anything I need she gonna find it put it where I know it don't belong. She gonna go all night yeah, she does like it when you take it real slow, online my dirty girl. She make me feel alright yeah, she runs clean until the lights are down low say, online my dirty girl.
I can't wait to see it, you just don't believe it the things she does. Anything you like she gonna show it from behind a pixelated view. Drop another dime she will expose it, do the things that no one else will do. She gonna go all night yeah, she does like it when you take it real slow, online my dirty girl. She make me feel alright yeah, she runs clean until the lights are down low say, online my dirty girl.
Oh my dirty girl she gets the best of me but I keep coming back for more.
P.S. The Walking dead...ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! Don't mind me I'll just sit here crying myself to death. How dare you?!

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