Friday, November 26, 2021

The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong in the broken places.

''Ma che diavolo stai facendo?'' That's pretty much what I ask myself every morning when I put salt into my coffee or try to unlock my car with my iPod instead of car keys. I have no idea what's been going on lately, I'm way pass that come si dice? Confuso. Or well confusa if you prefer since I am in fact a girl (You'd not believe how many ''wait you're a girl?'' messages I get on Instagram…uh? Odd.). I think I've done all but sleep walked lately. But that just might be due to the fact that I don't sleep much. People tell me things like three times before I understand them, simple tasks, like ''put sugar in the red cup''…I really should pay attention, salty hot chocolate? Good. Salty coffee? Not so much. Maybe my brain is permanently asleep from the world around me, or the fact that it lacks challenge, or the fact that my regular depression is mating with seasonal depression which is mating with the gloomy gray constant rainy weather. Probably I'm transforming into a lizard, under my solar light basically 24/7. Ugh. Someone call Kafka.

Add some ridiculously sad music because all I listen to lately is my ''crying playlist'' on my iPod. No, you really don't want to know. And then I wonder if this darkness will ever lift. Well it doesn't fucking look like it and I'm adding to it myself. Sigh. 

I actually had a record review planned for today (or a book review, finally got into Warm Bodies) which felt ridiculous because I honestly haven't listened to a vinyl since…cazzo…I think it's been a full year by now. I know the music on the record I was supposed to review of course, but it still felt stupid. I really need some peace and quiet and alone time to enjoy my music again. And maybe some perspective in life to actually care about music again. And possibly no family at the doors of my room when Annihilator is playing asking me ''oh my god, does he sing ''like a penis rising''? '' um no. He's singing ''Like a phoenix rising'' get your damn mind out of the gutter. Speaking of Annihilator, I used to have their ''Set the world on fire'' album, figured I'd get a new copy because I always loved that one, and oh my god have you seen the prices? No matter how much I enjoy ''Phoenix rising'' or how much it reminds me of the smell of pumpkin spice latte and crispy mornings, with a certain blondie singing that song to himself while making that latte…sigh...some things are too expensive and some things, the best things, the best memories now, can't be bought with money. 

So random but, I caught a part of a conversation the other day on the street, between two women mind you. I'm not going to go into that whole ''brain dead bimbo'' rant because it's pointless…they talked about the ''worst things that could happen to them'' and I fell into a fit of giggles. Ladies if you're reading I owe you beer, coffee, coke, whatever is your poison because you made me laugh for the first time in over a month no joke. So what's the worst thing that could happen to these two? Breaking a heel on her brand new LV shoes, I mean I get it they're pretty shoes, but is that the worst thing? Having to do dishes right after her nails ''set''. What does that even mean? I'm such a poor excuse for a girl I know but what is ''set nails''? Dry nail polish or what? Or god forbid, her husband buying her a new car for her birthday and that car isn't red but black. Lol, must be a tough life, getting a car for your birthday that isn't the right color. But that's besides the point, for the rest of my walk I thought about the worst things I could think of happening to me, the ironic part is I have little left because all of them already did. Call it destino or whatever the fuck you want to but mostly…I have nothing left to lose, nothing left to fear. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. A friend told me once, that us damaged people, people that fear nothing are the most dangerous because we have nothing left to lose. I guess he had a good point.

Then I realised there is one thing, one thing that qualifies under the ''worst thing in the world'', one that feels like the sun will never rise again, and you know what that is? ''Being away from the person you wanted to spend your entire life with''. Yeah. That fits the bill. When you know that someone is just right for you and you for them, and everything is perfect and yet there's always something, the wrong time, the wrong place, the wrong…everything. That is hell. That kills you bit by fucking bit daily. 

What can you possibly say or do when you're not enough to make someone stay? What can you do when you meet the love of your life and realise it's all about that perfect timing? The perfect timing that never happens mind you. How can you process and accept that no matter how perfect you are for each other, circumstances get in the way? Tell me, how do you fight this kind of destino?

One of my best friends (you have no idea how much I fucking miss you every single fucking day) was a big fan of ''Kintsugi''. You know what that is? Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by gluing the broken pieces together with powdered gold or simply painting the cracks golden. The point of it is to embrace the flaws and imperfections, to understand that broken things can be fixed, can be beautiful and can be even stronger. ''Scars'' are just part of life after all. He encouraged me to try it, because practicing fixing broken things may help fix what's broken inside of me. Great relaxation technique and a rescue to my favourite Halloween lantern that a cat knocked over and I couldn't say goodbye to, but nothing lasts forever and even slowly putting myself back together backfired. Said friend left and ever since nothing is okay no more, nothing inside me can be fixed no more and you know why? Because he took several pieces with him. Here's my advice to you guys though, we all go through rough times, some of us manage to put ourselves together faster and better, some never at all but while the critical world does nothing but judges your ''scars'' and cracks and imperfections, it misses out on the beauty how you managed to make yourselves whole again. Screw the world, don't let it piss on your progress and healing.

Another random wisdom of said friend, ''you know us broken people will always be able to love harder than the rest, we've seen the dark, we spent too much time in the dark, we learned how to appreciate everything that shines''. He didn't see though that he was one of those bright shiny things and the world, at least mine, is much much much darker since he's been gone. 

I know this post is a mess, a mess of confused ramblings, or just a mirror image of what's been going on in my head. A mess. Maybe this is why I should stick to music and books, at least there it's some form, pattern, some sense, meaning whatever you want to call it and not a mess of everything and nothing. I'll shut up and go back to two! drawings of blond boys that I'm working on. I know I know shut up don't say it. Look, I'm a simple woman I see blond hair, blue eyes and a pretty smile and I get a little stupid. Shit happens. One of said boys is Dan Stevens (wtf another Britt I'm fawning over? What's happening?) as Alexander Lemtov in the movie ''Eurovision song contest: The story of Fire saga'', you guys seen it right? I mean it's stupidly perfect and funny and I live for Alexander no joke, drawing him was a ''crazy sexy time''. The other drawing…well keep it undisclosed for now.

Before I actually quit the rambling, how bout a song recommendation? ''Lion of love'' by Alexander Lemtov? Hah, joke, though it does lift my spirits each time I hear it…no but seriously, I've been listening to a Croatian band called Vatra which means fire. They have a brand new single out ''Nova godina nije se dogodila'' which means ''new year didn't happen''. Great song. Really speaks to my feelings atm. As well as the new Simple plan song which I'm trying so hard to hate but I can't. Sigh.

''Zar je moguče, bas sad kad krenula je proslava, na ulicama tisuče ljudi, jesmo li samo mi ludi? Dok svi odbrojavaju mi se udaljavamo. Bez tebe, nova godina nije se dogodila, cimet, niti marcipan nemaju okus koji znam. Bez tebe, nova godina nije se dogodila, bez tebe šuti vatromet, puca mi led pod nogama a hladni sjeverni vjetar gradom zavija sretan. I tužno pada snijeg kao da zna, može i drugačije.''

Cheers babes, enjoy the weekend and see you sometime next week, with that Warm Bodies review, spoiler alert? I fucking loved it! 

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