There will be spoilers ahead. Consider yourself warned.
I can't believe I bought the third basically same version of a book. *SIGH*. First it was Twilight, then Life and death which is basically a Twilight reimagined, but same shit. And now Midnight sun which is just Twilight from a different point of view.
Y'all probably know I have a million and one problem with Stephanie Meyer these days. Starting with her abuse of the Native Americans to the accusations of plagiarism. Fake or not I don't know. It's horrible you know, you got these stories. Twilight saga, Harry Potter, Shadowhunters. Stories you love, book worlds you love to get lost in when the real world sucks too much to handle. And then you learn that all those authors that gave us those worlds, those masterpieces, are all fucking assholes. I mean one shouldn't let that ruin the story…I still love Twilight, I still love Harry Potter, they're stories I grew up with but, you can't help it, having them sort of tarnished…it sucks.
( Midnight Sun / Stephenie Meyer / Young adult, fantasy, romance novel / )
All of that is enough to turn me off of Stephanie Meyer, not wanting to buy more books, merch, give her more money…but how could I not get Midnight sun when I've waited for 13 years to get my hands on it. We all wanted to hear what Twilight is like from Edwards point of view. And just two or three chapters in I was surprised just how much and how many times he wanted to kill her. That could of been a whole different story from the get go, the romantic, perfect Edward going on a murder spree. Don't get me wrong, I was team Edward just like everyone else, swooning over the seemingly perfect boy who speaks like he's from a different century (well he is) and drives a Volvo (stupid shiny Volvo owner), but to be honest I always prefered Carlisle, blond, older, perfect…
Moving on. Midnight sun therefore is the same story told from a different point of view. Edwards. And what does he have to say? Fucking too much let me tell you that. More than 700 pages too much. Story stays unchanged, lines of conversation are the same, obviously. I hear people complaining about that but what did you expect, really? It's the same story! This is much better though, I always found Bella sort of bland, uninteresting (sorry, Ed) and seeing this story through his eyes is much better purely because it gives you some inside into the eternal struggle, pain, doubt, family dynamics, into why Edward is the way he is. Complex. Moody. Brooding. I would love to get Carlisle or Alices perspective though (but don't you dare Meyer, three same books are absolutely enough) maybe on some history, their lives before Twilight. A love story between Carlisle and Esme. That would kill me. I'd die on the spot. My favourite couple right there.
Excuse the crappy photo quality, it's an old drawing, and I can't for the love of me find it to take a better photo. It's still one of my favourites though. Even if today, if I redraw, I could probably do much better...maybe I should test that theory in the future...
Has anyone thought about how bizarre it is that after 13 years this book is released now, during a worldwide pandemic, when the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918 is what killed Edward? I mean she couldn't plan it obviously but it's still funny how some things fall into place like that.
Of course if you're after the romance, the undying forever love you wont be disappointed, Edwards obsession with Bella, the only and the most beautiful woman on the planet, ''the one that made his dead frozen heart beat again'' (ugh gag me with a spoon) there's plenty of that there too. But all his internal monologue how she should stay away, how he should of let her go, how he's no good for her, blah blah blah, it gets boring. We get it, you see her as dinner. Not gonna lie the watching her sleep part? A little creepy dude. Lay that shit off.
What I more than enjoyed though was the dynamic between Alice and Edward, always working together to keep the clumsy mess that is Bella away from harm, which believe me isn't an easy task. It's like she's just asking for it, any and all kind of danger, trust Bella to find it.
I also loved a more personal view into other people's minds in the book through Edwards abilities. I was hardly surprised seeing how some were just superficial, sex, prom, money, that freak Cullen, or the undying love and support Edward got from his adoptive parents. Hardly a shock there. But what I enjoyed was the interactions between Edward and Emmett, it give a better view into their brotherly relationship, the fact that Emmett calls him ''kid'' is just endearing.
Generally though, I can't say I'm impressed with her style of writing (Meyer is no Hemingway after all) the quote on midnight sun in the book is just making you cringe and the entire book sort of reads like fan fiction, though well not going to lie that I have in fact read better fan fiction. What the hell do you think I do all those sleepless nights? Well, besides sketching. I don't know what it is with artists and their talent only working at night. Back to the point. The book was dedicated to the fans. That's kinda obvious because well, who besides the fans will read it?
What bugs me is that she had the chance to mature, to make the book more mature, as her readers matured, but she didn't. And what really fucking pissed me off were Edwards fantasies about killing the Quileute tribe. I get it, creppy obsessed Edward just felt that way, BUT, given how she treated them in the past, how she fucked them over, this was just tastless and the book could do without it.
It seems to me…you know…after so many years of no release and excuses, such as it wasn't released because it would seem like competition with E.L. James and her male point of view ''Gray'' novel (Cmon seriously? That's just bullshit, can't really compare porn with uptight Edward huh?) that this is just a quick money grab. After one million copies sold just in the first week it's not far off either is it. I guess the book, the story, had the potential to be a million times better. So all in all I guess it's a bit disappointing. Waiting for so many years…I don't know you'd expect something else.
All that said, it doesn't change that my Twihard heart exploded into rainbows, unicorns and that glitter Edward is made of when I heard that the book is finally getting released. And it doesn't change the nostalgia and reviving my Cullen crush that happened while reading this book. Reading it felt like reconecting with an old friend. Like rekindling a relationship with an old lover. Falling back in love with Edward and the Cullens felt as easy as breathing. And yes I did hyperventilate for good five minutes when picking this book up for the first time. Holy hell.
So safe to say, I enjoyed it a lot, despite the negative parts I mentioned above. It was a lot that I wished for and a lot that I hoped for. And despite it having so many pages, I finished it all too quick. Here's to re reading the entire series because that seems to be in order.
So there's that, enough spoilers spilled I believe, let me just wish, to all my readers starting school tomorrow, good luck, I know it will be a whole new world, not only because it's been almost a year but because this ''new normal'' is far from actually normal.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to satisfy my ''thirst'' with a little smutty Carlisle fan fic. Hey don't judge, some read 50 shades of (fucked up) Grey and some read kinky fanfiction. So cheers, have a good week. Or at least, lets survive the week.