Oh wow it's been a while huh? A whole month since I managed to write up a couple of words. What can I say? Anything will sound like excuses. Life's been pretty wild and crazy these days, and not in a good way. School is draining as is, essays make my brain feel like a sponge, and don't even get me started with the drama going on in my life on the daily basis, when I get home late at night (days need to start having more than 24 hrs to be honest) all I can do is fall into bed, face first. It's been too much of everything and I am just done. Drained. Exhausted. Mentally and physically.
So since it's Monday, and the record review I started working on aint ready yet (and it won't be for a while, not only I can't decide which one to post but I have 4 drafts and no idea how to finish up either one of them), how about some other music related news, updates, ramblings, however you want to call it…
I imagine all y'all that read this blog because you have the same music taste as I, have seen the trailer for Motley Crue's The dirt by now right? Putting aside that I am hella pissed that it's Netflix only, like hello? I wanna watch this on the big screen? I am beyond excited. Like beyond. This is one of my favourite bands and a movie about them? Uh hell yes.
I've seen the trailer ''a couple'' of times by now and I am freaking out. I barely kept it together for Bohemian Rhapsody but this one will kill me. I imagine floods and floods of tears when Nikki overdoses and through his entire struggle with addiction (cmon nobody wants to see their babies suffer), through the scenes about Vince's car accident (I dare you to mail me again about Razzle because I will kick your sorry ass back to Jötunheimr where you belong), through the sickness and death of Skylar (I also dare you to mail me again how this was his ''punishment'', she was 4 years old, you are all animals I swear) and not to mention Mick's ankylosing spondylitis diagnosis. Yep. Lots of crying in the future. What else is new.
I felt bad for poor Doc McGhee though, he's a brilliant manager, he worked with the biggest names in music business and that line in the trailer ''I worked with Scorpions, Bon Jovi, Skid Row, Kiss, but I had never been through what Motley Crue put me through.'' Had to be tough with those wild boys. Now I read the book (borrowed, sadly I don't have my own copy, been on the wish list for a damn eternity) and I have an idea what this was about.
Here's the deal. We all know they were the baddest of bad in rock n roll. We all know they make the GN'R look tame but can we maybe instead of judging appreciate the music they put out because it's amazing? I mean their 1989 album ''Dr. Feelgood'' will forever be one of my top favourite albums ever put out. Every single song on it is great, no filler, no boring moment, entire thing is one hell of a ride.
See despite everything they pulled through and they're still here today. Fighting the very demons they fought before, Nikki trying to raise awareness on drugs in America. Vince raising money for charity in his daughters name. And honestly, despite what people say, they went out with a bang, the final tour was something else. I'm going to point out again that I miss them and that the near thought of ''Home sweet home'' live makes me cry my eyes out. Yeah, like I said I cry too much these days. Lol. Hey is that thing where people sell their tears still a thing? I might make millions. Haha.
Now while I wait patiently (or rather impatiently) for March 22nd how about a review of a concert? So last Friday (each time I say that I think about a metal cover of Katy Perry's ''Last Friday night'' and a couple of actually wild Friday nights that ended up with butt tattoos and god knows what else) I went to see a couple of local bands play. One are one of my favourites actually. I have about 6 or 7 local bands that I love and the rest should in my opinion just stop making music.
These ''boys'' I've seen probably over 30 times by now. I'm pretty much on every local gig they play. Creeper much? Ha ha. But they have this easy rock type music and sometimes that's all you need to forget your worries and problems for a couple of hours. And trust me I welcome any type of forgetting these days. Like I said, hell doesn't come near to describing how life was in the past say 16 months.
This was something new for me too. It was a ''girls night out'' and that's something I haven't done in years. I mean it, literally years. Not over reacting but for real. I am always with my guy friends, the bike club, musicians. And to be quite honest my list of girl friends is dangerously short. But I am glad I did it because it was nothing short of FUN.
Not going to complain about drunks, or annyoing people on local shows like I always do because what's the point? People don't care about music they care about booze. Makes me want to organise concerts without booze but I suppose nobody would came. Sigh. Stupid but whatcha gonna do? I mean I'm no angel I love Jack, I love vodka, I drink beer, sometimes on the verge of too much too but like never at concerts. I might as well stay at home, save the money I'd spend for the ticket and crack open a couple of cold ones with youtube playing in the back. Same thing isn't it?
Here's the deal there were a few artists present. And a DJ. Let's let him call himself a DJ. But like music from a laptop? Whatever happened to vinyl? And also…the music choice. Jesus christ. If this is a ''rock night'' then it should be a ROCK night.
So the first artists. A duo I guess. They call themselves ''BQL'' as in ''be cool''. Two ''Justin Biebers'' that now got a band. I gotta say, pop music, I was extremly sceptical. Not a fan. Pop. Gross. But I would be lying and I mean lying big times if I said they were bad. I suppose they worked on their music, they worked on their voices, style too I guess, and in the end I was quite pleasantly surprised, they sounded nice, did a couple great covers and no complaints here. Respect. They're trying. And I support that.

But the main act our very own M!2, of course audiences faves. Always the same. They're loved. Thank god actually. At least one band is shown the love and appreciation they deserve. I've seen them…jesus too many times to count (I know I said 30 up there but it might be…''a few'' more times). You really don't even want to know. It's been a while since I last saw them though, despite them being a local band. One would think they play in bars and different venues each month but no such luck.

It was a great set as per usual. All my fave songs, the most fav one of course as well. Isn't it such an amazing feeling hearing one of your absolute fave songs live? Getting lost in it, feeling every note, every beat, every lyric? You know what they say right? When the music hits you, you feel no pain. Fridays set was even better because of the fact that this band played their first show in 2019 right there and gave us a late ''Christmas'' present. 2 brand new songs, never before played. The singer had a piece of paper with the lyrics scribbled on it. Ha. Reminds me of that moment where Alex from All time low had a piece of paper on the stage floor saying ''learn the lyrics to your own fucking songs idiot'' because he kept singing wrong and the fans kept singing right. Funny thing.
But guys the songs that our band premiered! Amazing songs. Always a great song if it involves swearing. And one of these does. A real nice swear word too. Made me choke on my drink not going to lie. Respect boys, that's how it's done. Lyrics that allude to politics and everything that's fucked up on this planet and being angry about it…that's how it's supposed to be done. Music is supposed to have the power to make you think and get active and do something about things that piss you off. Music isn't supposed to be political the way Eurosong is. It's supposed to be political like Green Day's American idiot is. I can't scream that loud enough.

Right back to the concert. If you know me you know what I'm like, as soon as it's a ''hair band'' I'm done. Sold. Cheap hooker my friend would say. So it's like 2 in the morning, last band comes on stage. Kids. I don't want to know, legal or not because it's usually too young for me to drool over, or you know really too old *cough Joe Elliott, Bon Jovi, Nikki Sixx, the list goes on cough*. Hah. So let's stay with music and music alone. The band is called Lumberjack and they're such cute kids, talented musicians, great stage presence, all round great guys and they get zero respect. People came in to hear the main act and left when they left, which means at 2 am there were about 10 of us left supporting the last band. I mean. What the hell guys? Support your local bands. Give some credit to young musicians trying to make it work. Working on their dreams. And for the love of everything holy if it's rock music or rock n roll or metal music you should support it that much more. The world needs less bullshit and more rock'n'roll.

The boys did a great job despite the ''very crowded'' venue. Did their best and honestly, I'm happy that we stuck around to listen to them play. Was definately not my last time seeing them.
All in all it was a great night, just what I needed to forget things that weigh me down on a daily basis. But there are too few of such nights. If I had it my way I'd make every weekend a concert night. Music is the only thing that makes it all okay, makes the pain go away, gives life some sort of meaning. Only thing always there for you, only thing that can't hurt you but give you comfort. I think the least we can do is return the favour. Show the music some love too, support it as it deserves and we should start at supporting our local bands. Every big name was once a local band playing at bars and random venues.
There's that. Some wisdom from me after a long while. Cheers guys, have a great week. And before I leave how about a huge congratulations to Rami Malek. I was chewing on my nails hoping and wishing he wins the Oscar for best male actor and my wishes were heard. There were some big names running with him, all amazing actors, if I had it my way they'd all win but I am over the moon that Rami's hard work was appreciated and rewarded as it deserved.
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