Friday, January 13, 2017

Fightin' the good fight til the good Lord calls you home.

This post is hard to write down. Not only because there are hardly the right words but also because it just is. There's a young soldier somewhere in America, his name is Chase Simmons. A man I don't know personally, but someone I came across through a dog's facebook account. Yes. A dog. His name is Chopper, aka Chopper the biker dog and he's a therapy dog. I follwed him for a while, it always amazed me how much a dog can help, either someone going through a lot of pain, or someone that just needs some comfort, what Chopper and his ''human'' do is beyond amazing. Either way, the story about the soldier really hit home from day one. He was in a coma fighting for his life since November 2015, after a really bad car accident. I followed the story almost everyday, hoping, wishing that he will get better. And things were looking good for a long while. It looked like he's going to wake up. And even if I never met him, I was excited, hopeful, happy for him and his family. However as I type this, things have turned for the worst, Chase has been admited into the care of hospice and my heart feels very heavy. I had never hoped and wanted quite as hard for someone to get better as I did for him. From my understanding he was an incredible young man and being taken away so soon, doesn't seem right or fair to me at all. We can still hope for a miracle though, Jon Bon Jovi once said that if you change your perception of a miracle, you will see them all around you. And if this really ends with the worst scenario, it's awful and it hurts but in a way he's going to a better place. He's no longer bound to a weak body. He's free. He fought so hard and should be an inspiration to us all. Whichever way this turns it's been a privilege to know about you Chase. My thoughts are with you and your family. This song goes out to you...

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