Friday, July 29, 2016

Meet me in the city tonight.

There are people out there...people that bring out the worst in you, the very monster, the very thing you hate about you...and then there are people who bring out the best, the side of you that shines the brightest. But then...then there's also people, rare people, addictive people who bring out the most. The most of everything. They make you feel good and bad and so alive. They make you feel so good it hurts. So good you think you're high and you'd follow them straight into hell...yeah I know the's the deal. Don't. Don't trust too much and don't love too much and whatever you do don't care too much because that ''too much'' that will hurt you so much...and sometimes when you think about's not even worth it. It's not worth chasing after people that don't care, people that don't love you, people that don't need you. You have to stay true to yourself and work hard and the right people will find a way into your life and stay there because that's where they belong.
Same with relationships. Never let them to consume you, became your everything. Never let them be so important like nothing exists beyond them and the sun rises and sets with them. If they don't call you, that's alright, don't wait up, go to bed, get some sleep. If they don't write that's fine, put the phone in your pocket, go out and have a great day non the less. If they act distant, if they don't care to talk or explain, if they push you away, don't grovel, don't push, don't bother, it's fine, go home, do something you love instead. If they try to tell you or even have an idea that you don't need your friends no more since you have them, or all your friends are theirs and vice versa, spend more time with your own friends. Don't let them control you. If they try the silent treatment on you to ''teach you a lesson'' ignore them completly. If they play with your feelings, treat you like shit one moment and like you're in a romantic novel the next, walk away. You don't need that in your life. If they act like your body is theirs to take whenever they want to regardless of your needs and feelings, walk away. If they threathen you, call you names, hit you, bully you, walk away. If they forbid you to do things you love, or manipulate you into loving things they love instead, walk away. If they do something to hurt you and they don't stop after you tell them it does, walk away. You are you, your own person, your life is yours, nobody elses, you live for yourself and your life and carrer and well being should be most important. Not them. They are only a second character in your story, never let them turn into the main star in your own movie.
I feel like I can't scream this loud enough. Love should set you free not imprison you. You shouldn't settle for something just because you're afraid of being alone. You shouldn't dwell or cry over someone that treated you badly. You deserve better, you deserve more and you deserve your own happy ending.

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