How was your first week guys? If this is a test trial period then I don't think I want the full subscription. Sigh. However today you're not getting any wisdom from me. Today I'm sharing an article by a local reporter (B.S.), which I will translate but I will not be sharing his name or the magazine name, if you're interested send me a private message, I won't post publicly so they don't get backlash or unwanted hate mail. Obviously all intelectual properties in this blog post belong to said reporter. I hope you read it even if in parts it reads like a crime novel. Most important thing you need to know though is that this article was posted in July of 2010! 12 years ago. I think it's a fascinating read, especially in the year 2022 and even more so how we the people colletively forgot about all the things in the article.
A crime against taxpayers
Last year's hot summer was marked by fear of the swine flu virus, which many prominent experts and also the world's most serious media fell for.
The whole industry was waiting for a pandemic… Tom Jefferson, epidemiologist.
The United Nations and business need each other. We need your innovation, your initiative, your technological courage. But business also needs the United Nations. In search of an ideal environment in which business could flourish… Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General.
Last year's hot summer was marked by fear of the swine flu virus, which many prominent experts and also the world's most serious media fell for. Probably because the H1N1 virus, first discovered in Mexico, was in fact unstoppably conquering the world at the time. By the end of last April, in just a few days after the discovery, it had quickly infected nine countries. In mid-June 2009, it was detected in 74 countries. Just two weeks later, in the first days of last July, the World Health Organization (WHO) was horrofied to report that the virus was already killing in 120 countries. At the beginning of May this year, it owned practically the whole world. H1N1 has been discovered in 214 countries and overseas territories.
The scenarios that unfolded after last year's outbreak of swine flu in Mexico were at first downright horrific: the H1N1 virus will infect at least two billion people, hundreds of thousands will die… In the US alone, $ 2 billion was instantly spent on drugs, and the government allocated an additional $ 7.5 billion for prevention. But the apocalyptic predictions did not come true. As they did not with sars and bird flu. By the beginning of May this year, 17,919 people had died from the virus, but the common seasonal flu is taking at least ten times as many lives worldwide. It causes 250,000 to 500,000 deaths each year, according to the WHO. Independent experts say that this "terrible" new flu has even proven to be the mildest form of the disease since the official outbreak of influenza in the world »
Panic with a background
So the panic was unnecessary. So who triggered it and who benefited the most from it? It is clear that the World Health Organization has acted unscientific and irrational in this story, warns British MP Paul Flynn, rapporteur of the Council of Europe on the subject. As early as May last year, China, Britain, Japan and some other influential countries, as the Associated Press reported at the time, loudly warned WHO to be careful with announcements about the spread of the disease, as there could be unnecessary panic and confusion. But in Geneva, where the WHO is headquartered, such advice has not been heeded. In the same month, they first changed the definition of a pandemic (mortality was no longer important; by then, only 144 people had died from the H1N1 virus worldwide), and then on June 11, 2009, the new disease was declared a pandemic.
German epidemiologist dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, who was the first to launch a serious expert debate on this topic in the Council of Europe last December with his False Pandemic - Health Threat initiative, firmly believes that Geneva did not decide to declare a pandemic out of health concerns, but it was a carefully planned move aimed primarily at boosting vaccine sales. “There is simply no other explanation for what happened. Why else would we change the definition of a pandemic? ”Said the then ruthless Wodarg, who is no longer in the Council of Europe. As he was not elected to the Bundestag in the last German elections, he is no longer a member of the German delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). That is why his mission was taken over by the British Paul Flynn, who, together with the German, prepared a truly excellent and highly critical report for the June PACE meeting in Strasbourg. It should be seriously considered by all European governments, which in this story (un) intentionally fell for experts and earners from the pharmaceutical industry.
Vietnam War virus
H1N1 has been declared a completely new and hitherto unknown virus by the World Health Organization. But practice has quickly revealed that this is not the case. Patients over the age of 65 reacted significantly differently to the virus than younger people. This could mean that they have met it before and thus maintained their immunity. This was also confirmed in Strasbourg by prof. dr. Ulrich Keil from the Epidemiological Institute at the University of Münster. According to him, the virus was brought to the United States in the 1970s by soldiers returning from the Vietnam War.
The disease was already christened the Asian swine flu at the time. The panic was considerable. Nearly 40 million people were vaccinated in America at the time, fearing it was a virus similar to the Spanish flu that killed tens of millions of people after World War I. But the vaccination was stopped the moment they found out that it was basically a very mild disease. The swine flu at the time claimed only one death in the United States, and at least 30 people died from the vaccine. The side effects were devastating. As many as several hundred Americans have been diagnosed with the incurable Guillain-Barr syndrome, which also causes paralysis.
Also this time, comparisons with the Spanish flu were completely superfluous, adds dr. Keil. This took place in the historical context of the First World War. It was transmitted by soldiers who, due to malnutrition, exhaustion, wounds and lack of medicines as we know them today, were easy prey for all possible viruses and diseases. Therefore, the deadly harvest at that time simply cannot be compared to today's times, as medicine today is completely different from health care almost a hundred years ago, warns Dr. Keil.
Fact is that those who decided on the pandemic were exaggerating. What they wanted to achieve with that, only they know. The panic was terrible. For example, Karin Andersen, an MEP from Norway, said in Strasbourg people in the queues in front of health centers were literally fighting for the vaccine out of fear of the virus. And condemned the politicians for failing to provide a sufficient number of doses in a timely manner.
But the problem was also that, due to panic, even doctors in many places could no longer distinguish between flu and flu-like illnesses caused by at least two hundred different viruses. Epidemiologist Tom Jefferson of the Cochrane Collaboration, for example, says only 7 to 15 percent of patients with flu symptoms actually get swine flu. In many countries, therefore, there are serious difficulties in distinguishing between patients who died of swine flu (had flu symptoms but died of other pathologies) and patients who died exclusively of swine flu (this was the leading cause of death). The confusion was therefore complete, and the conditions for falsifying statistics - and fishing in the mud - were also ideal.
Geneva Secret Committee
One of the main bodies dealing with epidemics and pandemics in the World Health Organization is the so-called Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE). But the Director-General of the WHO - this task is now performed by Dr. Margaret Chan, who did not get vaccinated against the flu, as she allegedly did not have time for that - she can also appoint a special Emergency Committee in case of serious complications. Said committee has met eight times since the outbreak in Mexico and the United States in April last year until May 2009. And apparently fatally influenced the fact that Geneva then decided to declare a pandemic.
But when the Council of Europe asked the WHO for the names of the members of this committee, which are secret by agreement, the Geneva response was negative. Explaining that these people would be subjected to terrible pressure from various companies and interest groups after their identities were revealed…Strasbourg received a similar reply from The European Center for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC), which has been operating in Stockholm since 2005. This institution also did not want to reveal the names of experts who were obviously on the same wavelengths when deciding on the pandemic with their colleagues from Geneva. The transparency of the operation on which Europe is actually based upon has failed the swine flu test. The scandal was complete with this.
Sleeping contracts
Different European countries have reacted differently to the pandemic. Some governments have already signed so-called "sleeping contracts" with pharmaceutical companies after the (completely harmless) bird flu, which activated them as soon as the WHO declared a swine flu pandemic. But a vaccine for them has not yet been provided. Companies started supplying it on a first-come, first-served basis, with prices two to three times higher than the usual seasonal flu vaccine. This "package" also included a clear warning that most of the vaccine's side effects would be the responsibility of the governments themselves »
The British government has earmarked £ 570 million for the vaccine, according to Paul Flynn. A huge sum, which was logical in the event of an outbreak of swine flu, as the British Ministry of Health predicted that the H1N1 virus on the Island would take at least 65,000 lives. By spring, less than 500 Britons had died from the flu…
They reacted similarly in France, where they initially ordered 94 million doses of the vaccine, worth 365 million euros. But because the virus turned out to be less scary than it was portrayed, official Paris managed to rescind the contract for 50 million doses. Only 5.7 million French people have been vaccinated against the flu. Some vaccines have been sold to other countries, but there are still 25 million doses in storage, which will expire later this year. So the government has thrown away a huge amount of money because of the pandemic, which did not exist. A real crime against taxpayers.
Poland said no
Similar dramas have taken place in other European countries. The only bright exception was Poland, which, thanks to the determined Minister of Health Ewe Kopacz, a former pediatrician, did not buy the vaccine. Warsaw intended to do so. It is expected to be bought for about two million of the most vulnerable people. But the conditions set by pharmaceutical companies for the purchase were unacceptable to the minister. The traders demanded that the government take responsibility for any possible side effects. “I will not buy medicines from you that you do not guarantee for. When writing a prescription, you must first ask yourself this question: Would you prescribe this medicine to your children or your mother? ”Ewa Kopacz was determined, and the pharmaceutical giants left Warsaw disappointed. The Polish minister was one of the few in the world who realized in time that the swine flu pandemic is not as serious as it is portrayed, and that it is clearly due to great financial interests.
There was a great deal of logic in these reflections of hers. The results of the financial operations of the large pharmaceutical companies that produced the vaccine actually showed huge profits. According to the well-known investment bank JP Morgan, the companies are expected to generate profits of between 7 and 10 billion euros by selling the vaccine in 2009 alone. They were right at JP Morgan. Sanofi-Aventis, for example, announced earlier this year that the company generated as much as 7.8 billion euros in net profit last year. Largely due to the successful sale of the swine flu vaccine.
Untested vaccine
Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg claims that the pandemic has enabled pharmaceutical companies to turn large piles of money into overnight (secret) contracts with governments precisely because of good "business ties" with the WHO. Pharmacists have thoroughly prepared for this event. Also with the development of super fast - newly patented and therefore more profitable - methods for making vaccines in bioreactors with the help of fast-growing cancer-like cells. But these vaccines have not been clinically tested and can therefore be very dangerous. Neither children nor pregnant women should be vaccinated with them, warns Wodarg. In Germany, for example, Novartis optaflu was therefore rejected.
It is clear that in recent years a strong and extremely strong network of corruption has been forged between Geneva and the pharmaceutical giants. With a single goal: to make as much money as possible. The WHO has persistently denied this, but has not provided any evidence to that effect. Some media have therefore recently started a real hunt for influential people in the World Health Organization, who also had close ties with the pharmaceutical industry. One such was dr. Albert Osterhaus, a member of the WHO’s Strategic Expert Group of Advisors, has had his fingers in all the panic reactions to viruses they have discovered over the past decade. That is why he was nicknamed Dr. Flu…
Under pressure from the public, including the Council of Europe, Geneva decided in June this year to launch an investigation into possible indecent connections. But they tackled the problem again very strangely. It turned out that the commission of inquiry included as many as six members of the aforementioned emergency committee, which essentially made all the key decisions. These six men were therefore to judge the decisions they themselves had proposed to the WHO's top leadership. A farce without precedent. When this detail came to light, two controversial members of the commission of inquiry immediately resigned, and the remaining four are still not bothered by this conflict of interest.
The real killers of civilization
The fake swine flu pandemic has revealed a series of abuses and irregularities that plague virtually all of modern society today: complete non-transparency in making important decisions, corruption, clientelism, intertwining business interests. And worst of all: earnings were more important in this story than people’s health. In apparent alliance with the pharmaceutical industry, which has smelled the opportunity for big profits here, the World Health Organization has shifted all its attention, influence and (taxpayer) money to a peripheral virus, while for the worst killers of today's civilization, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, diabetes, cancer or AIDS virtually does not care at all.
In less developed countries, for example, 26,000 children die every day from malnutrition and curable diseases alone. That’s almost ten million dead children a year! Shocking statistics, says Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, but neither the WHO nor the governments of developed countries are doing anything about this terrible number. There are no profits with the poor! However, these same governments were all at once willing to spend billions of public money to tackle the not-so-dangerous H1N1 virus. Really upside down world.
Who will change the world? Certainly not those who are silent about it. The fake swine flu pandemic has revealed a series of abuses and irregularities that plague all of modern society today. And worst of all: earnings were more important in this story than people’s health.
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