Why is writing so hard lately? Beacuse there's nothing I want to write about. I have a whole stack of books to read that I haven't touched yet. A ton of music reviews to go through and yet nothing really inspires me lately. I guess I really can say that I'm not doing that well emotionally & mentally because shit, nothing really makes me inspired / happy lately. I never struggled this much writing about art, about music, about things I love. I don't even know, but what I did consider was opening a new gallery for black and white photography. I have a lot of dark, ''depressing'' pictures that fit my current mood and I'd like to share them or at least keep them together in one place. Gallery.
So while I'm laying on my bed staring at the ceiling and some old rock song is playing (gotta love me some Bob Seger), I was also staring at a very faded ''tattoo'' on my ankle. Two letters and a number that spell out ''A7X''. It was created with a razor blade and liquid eyeliner, no you really don't want to know the details, crazy is crazy. It was put there by an old friend of mine during a drunken night, but to be fair it's been on my ankle for 10 years and is still visible. You can just about see it on this photo if you zoom in, but also you get to enjoy one of my favorite pair of shoes...

It's dedicated to one of the bands I really love. Or well loved. Avenged Sevenfold. I loved them for the longest time but lately haven't listened to them much. I don't know why really, do you feel that way that sometimes you just lose touch with something you love and then re connect later? So here I am, trying to remember that love I once felt, it's only semi working tbh. Maybe music tastes do change, though to be honest I still love their music, I still sing along to their songs in the car, ''Hail to the king'' is still an amazing album. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm broken somehow.
What I realised was that I never shared few words on the one and only A7X concert I've been to. I started writing reviews later on and missed out on so many amazing shows. I try to return to some now and then but seems hard writing now, for something that happened eight (or more) years ago. Sweet jesus fucking eight years ago. Where does the time go? Most things I honestly feel like they happened months back not years. Maybe this whole state of the world is fucking with me, I can't really process that it's May 2021, I'm still mentally stuck in March 2020.
The thing I remember most (and wish more bands did) was we got to Austria pretty early and not in the mood to roam around just meant early in front of the venue. I never mind being at the venue early, you get to mingle and talk to fans from all over Europe (sometimes even the world) and that's pretty cool. So we were at the begining of a line that kept getting longer and longer and what happened, this dude comes up was giving us bracelets (red thingy on the photo) which gave us free pass into the golden circle / front of the stage part of the venue. That was pretty damn amazing not going to lie.

Second thing I remember was amazing effects, explosions, fire, smoke, lights, everything on point. Loud, mean and perfect. The huge skull in the back of the stage with fire in it's eyes? Freakin perfect. It made me think later that such thing is no longer possible. First because of the whole terroristic threaths, I swear several ''banging'' sound effects were cuts in venues soon after, and now, well now we all know why a packed venue full of people is impossible. Instead of crying about it though, I'm more worried if I ever get to see it again. People. Together. Having a great time. Seems…well surreal to say the least.
The set was cut a bit shorter because Matt had an issue with his voice I remember him telling us that and that he hopes we help him sing along. Lol as if that's ever an issue on concert. The crowd was especially loud during ''Nightmare'' which you know…tingly feeling all over, it's one of my favourite songs. A pair of earplugs should be sold with the tickets though this was a damn loud show. Lol. I know ear protection is smart but it's a huge no for me. My friend once said that earplugs on concerts is like ''licking ice cream through glass'' essentially you just end up licking glass. Lol.
A7X took Avatar and Five finger death punch along for the ride on this tour and you know, I love both bands so that was pretty much amazing for me. In most cases it's like who the fuck cares about the support, you're there to see the band. GN'R take notes, and please for the love of everything holy take someone like Scorpions or Motley Crue on tour with you. I'd love that. There have been cases though where I was looking forward to support as much as I have of the main act. Like Of mice and men with Linkin Park, obviously Five finger with A7X, Neck deep with All time low, Whitesnake with Def Leppard, Alice Cooper with Motley Crue (only wish he had the Hollywood vampires with because Joe Perry AND Johnny Depp? I would fucking die on the spot).
Avatar are badass as is, you guys seen that makeup? It's amazing. But Five finger? They are just too cool. They did about 10 songs I believe, think it was around an hour long set, just enough to get you fired up for the ''main dish''. You know how it goes, they put us in the mood with their loud music and just the right ammount of fuck this and fuck that. Lol. I remember they did ''Under and over it'', ''Burn MF'' and ''Coming down'' because those are my favourite songs.

Avenged don't do anything halfway. The show as mentioned above was spectacular. They really put a ton of effort, imagination and probably money in their live shows. The sound and the stage design? Perfection. I'll share a picture below of the skull, not the best picture, these are from an old phone but it paints the idea of the skull pretty well, spitting smoke and fire is just a bonus. Fire also shot up through random songs, on cue with the music of course and flashing lights. I remember how each time that fire erupted (lucky not on the bands eyebrows lol) a wave of heat flashed through the venue only enhancing the entire experience.
They came on stage with their ''Shepherd of fire'' that is on the ''Hail to the king'' album they were promoting. M Shadows as always in his black shades and a tank top looking as sexy as ever. Them buffed tattooed arms? Wrap them around me would you please?
This concert in 2013 was actually the first concert they did in Vienna that's why the only show I saw. The rest was all festivals and rarely went to those to be honest. Shadows said he doesn't give a fuck if his voice is gone he's just happy to finally be in Austria. Yeah you and I both mister. The set was actually more new songs from the album they're promoting rather than old songs. This wasn't like that one time when Green Day were on tour promoting the uno, dos, tres albums and Billie Joe decides to just play the entire Dookie album instead. That was actually fun though and the concert was really long, 30 songs long! One of my faves in Austria really.
I love that despite Jimmy is no longer with us that his vocals are recorded and heard as back vocals in some songs, feels like he's still with us. Let's be honest, nobody can do Jimmy's vocals as he does them. Also nothing but mad respect for Jimmy, y'all seen the video for ''Afterlife''? Keep in mind that he's afraid of spiders. Just saying.
This little stroll down memory lane made me miss concert life even more than I did if that's possible and reminded me of the biggest crush I used to have on Zacky Vengeance. Hah. And to think he aint even blonde! A miracle I tell you. I think I always loved their music though due to it being close to my heart. Close to my feelings. Close to understanding, some of their songs say things better than I ever could. So here you go, enjoy these pictures with me and sweet jesus I am begging everything and everyone we get to live this gig life again. ASAP.

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