I don't know about you, but something is so soothing to me, when it's two or three in the morning and the world is asleep, lights are off in the city, stars are out and it's just you with your hot cup of coffee or cocoa, looking at the sky, enjoying the peace and quiet, lost in your thoughts. Though I have to say being lost in my thoughts lately aint such a great thing. But the alone and quiet is. Yeah I'm not really awake because I want to be but because sleep does not come easy. I imagine lots of you feel the same way…
Been doing a lot of late night doodles at least, another curse of artistic people, why WHY do creative juices only flow at night? I honestly think it's that peace and quiet bit that helps. No distractions, no people, no ''noise''. I could easily write twenty pages, or make ten solid sketches in an hour at night but during the day it would take me longer than a week. Nothing is also more soothing than gentle music playing while you let your pencil take you where ever it does. Though honestly that creativity I can't find lately, portraits sure, but sitting down, exploring shapes, colors, patterns…sigh. Music as well. Sometimes I just feel passion is gone. I can't count the number of nights I spend in silence now, while silence used to drive me crazy.
And you know what else drives me crazy? If you're not part of SPN family (or haven't seen the finale –lucky you -), do skip this paragraph. I think by now we all saw endless opinions, videos, tweets, anything else on the season finale? Y'all seen the ''leaked script''? Honestly I just wanted to sit down and sob, THAT was the perfect ending, the ending we all wanted and deserved, everything was just right. And instead, we got…whatever that was. I think what made me angrier was how in Deans heaven was basically just people that did him wrong, abused him and just generally treated him awful. Like John, Mary? I get it they're his parents, but most abuse comes from family anyways. Who would want that heaven? I mean a Led Zepp concert and a cold beer would be much better. And you know what bugs me even more? Nothing was resolved. No apology, no resolution, nothing. Dean was thrown into heaven and forced to forget and move on. I get so annoyed and so angry at these real life ''happy family'' facades, specially around holidays and to watch it in the show too? Ugh. Honestly a lot bothers me with this ending, as you possibly, maybe, most likely, noticed by now but this one, this one is top five issue I got with the end. It's a good thing fanfic exists. I love all y'all writing endings of your own to soothe all our pain. I appreciate you so much. Just like that one ''I can dig Elvis''. Hell. So good. And so freakin painful. Which brings us to whatever the hell I wanted to rant about today.
Usually when I can sleep, I put on some Elvis, his incredible voice and an amazing vocal range used to help. My dad would sing some ''Are you lonesome tonight?'' on occassion. Not saying it was done too well. He sounded more like a wounded moose than the King. But you know. It's the thought that counts. I loved Elvis as a musician, always, but fond memories make things even better. You know how sometimes hearing a certain song you haven't heard in a while, literally just transports you mentally in a different time and place? Usually a better time and place…yeah that kinda feeling.
Nothing used to be better than that one Elvis record that sounds and feels just right. Or a silly movie which he made a ton of like ''Girls, girls, girls'' and ''It happened at the worlds fair'', two of my favourites, the second one especially. Lately nothing feels just right no more though, might be this doom and gloom, the lockdowns, the walking dead feel of the world…I don't know…but all that aside, how about some words on one of my fave records by him? I have too many as is and goal is to one day have them all (and possibly a storage unit to keep them) but this one I'm quite certain was played the most, greatest hits on CD and iPod aside.
You know the first time my boyfriend sat in my car and the engine started and Elvis started playing (I think it was ''Burning love'' (how appropriate come to think of it) he was like ''oh god I hate you right now, really? Elvis?'' and when I told him to shut it because Elvis is a classic he told me, he's buying me some actual classic, which resulted in Motley Crue and Guns N' Roses vinyl. Ridiculous because he should know I love both those bands. I guess my point here is, a couple more such conversations later, when I was actually just annoyed with him he learned to like Elvis, you know that ''I can dig Elvis'' type thing? I catch him humming his songs to himself now, he'll deny it of course but he does it. It's adorable.
I'm not going to rant about this album, because he has so much good music. Rather some things I just love about him, his voice and taste in cars / bikes aside. Not to be a horny unchained housewife but have y'all seen him move? I mean it's not just the ''sexy moves'' it's the whole deal, the style, the mood, the aesthetics. He really did his own thing. Found his own path. That is so hard, which is why I admire it that much more. I want so badly to fit in, to find my own place in the world like he did. Another thing I guess not everyone knows is just how good he was. A real kind, caring soul. In his days people didn't do shit to brag with it on social media. He did what he did because he wanted to because he was a good person. Elvis was known to go out of his way to help someone, to make a difference in their lives, and not just family and friends but also complete strangers that he came across. Let's not even get into his work with hospitals and benefit concerts. An angel.
He's a legend, people still love him today. New generations still listen to him now. It's amazing, the impact on peoples lives and music he had. I mean yeah there's a lot of people who also don't like him (crazy but okay tastes vary) but they can't deny that he was an amazing singer and a very charismatic preformer. Y'all seen that show in that black leather jacket and that smile? Yeah I died a little not going to lie.
''A date with Elvis'', I'd sell my family for that no joke. I noticed there are several different versions of this album. Same thing, small differences. The 1959 version is supposed to be a gatefold with pictures from the army. Anyone has it? That true? If it is I will most likely scream because Elvis in a uniform (or on a mug shot for that matter) is totally my weakness. And on blue vinyl even. Shoot me now. Actually you know these re releases annoy me when they stray from original. If you gonna re release something then make it as it was, else what's the point?
You know this record has a so called ''sister album'' titled ''For LP fans'' which I don't have (sad face) and in my opinion it's a bit better than this one. The highlights for me are no doubt ''Baby lets play house'' because it's that top artist kinda wibe and it's a fun song, after that Elvis really developed into a ballad singer, which you know, I love, because nothing beats his ballads but still, you can't hate a bit variety. And of course let's not forget ''Baby I don't care'' which is just a brilliant song, cute, fun, smart, might just be the best song in it's type he recorded tbh.
As my friends say my music taste is all over the place, deep down, always a heavy metal, rock child but to be honest, being stuck in one genre and never trying out something new because ''it's not my style'' or ''it's not cool'' seems like such a waste of good music. Honestly there's more pop, classical and mostly country music on my iPod than it is rock and metal and I have zero regrets. Sometimes I just want soft music instead of angry yelling all the time. Got enough of that in real life tbh.
Right, excuse me while I go put on some Elvis, with a drink to go with too (please tell me I'm not the only one, thinking dirty thoughts?) and try to get through this gloomy Monday.
Cheers guys.
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