Monday, February 3, 2020

''Humanity is the disease, Inferno is the cure.''

You know I consider myself a feminist. A huge one. Obviously. I'm a woman after all. I support the whole ''me too'' movment. Women on high positions. Women as CEO's. Taking abuse and rape accusations seriously. But what really pisses me off is women that abuse the power we had been given. Power that those before us worked so hard to give us. Women that abuse others because they can, because they are women and obviously everyone believes them, cuz you know, what are the odds that men could be victims of abuse? That. That pisses me the fuck off.

Feminism isn't about blindly supporting women and hating men. Feminism is about holding abusive women accountable for their abuse.

''At its core, equality feminist theory advocates for the equal standing of both men and women in terms of desires, wants, goals, and achievement. Thus, from this viewpoint, the basis of human nature outside of culture is androgynous, neutral, and equal.'' 

The definition of feminism is equality, it doesn't mean one is more important or better than the other. I believe that anyone that calls themselves a feminist, a man or a woman, is someone who takes a victim of abuse serious, gives them the right to be heard. But not someone who abuses the power and twists the truth to their own advantage.

Remember some time ago, the news jumped on the story about Johnny Depp abusing his ex wife Amber? People jumped at it, calling him disgusting things, abusing him, he got mocked, fired, his movies boycotted and draged through hell all while Amber got all the support. Why? Because he is a man and she is a woman. And now the story breaks that all along he was the victim and she was the abuser. And despite a ton of evidence, photos, texts, video, audio, doctors reports, people still don't want to believe him? The press won't bother making a huge deal out of it, like they did when the tables were turned. I'm sorry but fuck off. Amber did what toxic, manipulative people do, she took advantage of a movement that was meant to empower women. She used it to her benefit. She used it to cause so much pain and terror.

Don't we as a society get that men can just as well be victims? Of abuse, of torment, of rape,…just because they are men they are not magically shielded from it all. They can have anxiety, depression, abuse.  Just like age doesn't matter, neither does gender. You can't only care about domestic abuse victims as long as they are female. That is bullshit. Abuse is abuse. And here you see exactly why Johnny didn't speak up earlier because even now, even with all evidence, people still don't believe him. They are still gripping at straws trying to defend Amber, oh but he pushed her…let me tell you something, there's no such thing as mutual abuse, there's the abuser and self defense. And quite honestly I am sick. I feel sick. Horrofied.

I've been told that I am looking at the matter through pink shades as well ''you're a fan, you don't know him''. That's true. I don't. But you get to know them through their interviews and movie roles and things that matter to them at least a little bit. All that, plus people he knows, people that know him, made it impossible to convince me that he's anything but an innocent man. And now…now when the world owes him a big fucking apology I feel sick, can you imagine the hell he went through? The lies, the manipulation, the emotional and physical abuse and then to top all of that, to be presented to the world as a monster. The worst kind of monster after rapist and child abuser. A woman beater. Can you imagine how removed, isolated and alone he had to feel? How depressed, to have everyone judge him for something he didn't do?

And on top of that he watched the crazy bitch become the voice and face of abuse survivors? The nerve you guys. The fucking nerve!  Just some of the extent of abuse that came out, wasn't just throwing punches, but spitting at him, putting a cigarette out on his face, slicing off his finger, taking away his medication, who does that? She could of killed him! His life was falling apart, nobody believed him and she walked away, no punishment. Do you know how angry this makes me? Do you know how angry it makes me that she represented actual abuse victims? That is just so….I don't have the words. Insulting really. Mocking actual abuse victims. She stood there next to them while all along she is the abuser. My god. Someone should call the Winchesters to put her down.

While my heart is just broken about Johnny, it's also broken for millions of women who are real victims. Women that went through hell just like Johnny did. Women who had to endure what this monster was doing to another human being while playing victim in the press. For her to lie blatantly about being abused is disgusting, ruining someones life, well more than one someone's life makes me want to throw up. The world jumping on that train right away accusing him sight unseen of abuse, supporting her but being completely deaf now when the truth came out makes me want to throw up even more. I believe there is a deep circle of Inferno reserved personally for Amber Heard.

I'm not here rambling and defending him because I am a big fan, or because I think he's attractive and I love his movies or even because I refused to believe all this time that he is capable of abuse. I am here rambling and upset because he is not only the victim but being mistreated because he's a man. Abuse is abuse and it's not right that the fact that because he's a man his suffering is minimised or not taken serious. If feminism demands equal rights there should also be equal concequences.

I will always stand by Johnny and support him, I'm convinced he's a good, gentle, loving person, admittedly with his demons, but we all have a couple of those lurking about. And I will always stand behind the fact that men deserve justice just as much as women do, and that abusive women belong in jail just like men do. Nobody deserves to be mistreated and abused, take it from someone who knows.


P.S. Amber, while you already ruined Aquaman forever for me (can anyone get me a copy with all her scenes cut out?), bitch I better not see you in part two, or anywhere else for that matter, or I will fucking riot.

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