Friday, December 28, 2018

The other side

''I don't want to know who we are without each other, it's just too hard…
I don't want to leave here without you, I don't want to lose part of me…
Will I recover that broken piece?
Let it go and unleash all the feelings…

Did we ever see it coming? Will we ever let it go?

We are buried in broken dreams, we are knee deep without a plea, I don't want to know what it's like to live without you…
Don't want to know the other side of a world without you…''

I don't know why but this holiday season has only been torture for me. Actual literal torture. As you may have guessed from the post below there's very few things I hate as much as I hate December and Christmas and the euphoria over the new years…why so estatic over one night? You'll wake up January 1st and things will be just the same. Hell. Well, probably not all of you but most of us are all going through some shit…

A lot changed this past year. In my life I mean. And all the changes were for the worst. I don't even dare dreaming or even hoping of a ''happy new year'' because each December 31st I tell myself okay the past year was hell but the next one will be better. And guess what? Each new year just ends up being worse. I remember being optimistic last year thinking well it can't get any worse and guess what? It fucking did.

I can honestly say that 2018 has been the worst year of my life. The worst. Never mind all the hell and pain I went through in the past, nothing compares to this. I lost so much, but also learned so much. And I suppose all the newly discovered things only made me more bitter, more angry, more devoid of compassion for people, because honestly all they do is disappoint you, and hurt you, and use you, and the only people that are supposed to love you, your family, those are the people that will hurt you the most.

I wonder all the time what I did so wrong in my life to deserve this. Who did I piss off so bad? Why do I deserve all this pain? Am I really such a terrible person? I made tons of mistakes yes but should they be punished like this?

And I feel guilty, there are so many things I could prevent. So many things that could be different but I did nothing to prevent them. And now it's too late. Too late even for damage control.

I watch all these Christmas pictures on Facebook and Instagram, not like you can not see them, they are literally everywhere, and you know what I crave having? A loving and supporting family. Not presents, nothing materialistic. Things could be worse I know, some kids have really awful childhoods but things could also be better.

I used to convince myself that I'm fine, that I don't miss what I don't know. In a way it's true I really don't know, but that doesn't mean I don't miss it. A family. A home.  Support. Love. A safety net.

And the funny part is the only thing left in my life, the only thing that I found some comfort in, something that always made me better, smile, hopeful and at least semi happy, my music? I don't even have that. I didn't just lose all I had I lost that too. I watch these tour announcements daily for 2019 and a year ago I would be making plans, and I would be so excited, and now? It's making me more miserable than anything else on this planet…

When I look back at my life in the past year I wonder what do I even have left? What is there to look forward to, what is there to be happy about? Things never looked quite as bleak as they do now, and I reached a point where I'm no longer living but surviving and even that just barely, on pain medication, sedatives and a level of stress so high it could probably power up a power plant and produce power for the entire fucking continent.

I suppose I reached a point where I am so damn lost that I just don't know how to carry on. What to do to make things better. How to ''fix'' at least some aspects of my life that are completely unfixable, but then it wasn't me who fucked them up so thinking I could fix anything is crazy. I guess the only thing I can do is ''get up, dress up and show up'' and keep on hiding the pain behind a great big fucking fake smile and be thankful people never notice, because people don't really care.

I'm still wondering the same thing I was a year ago ''how much can a broken person take before they break completely?'' I surprised myself for still going, still breathing, still living. Things I went through would most likely kill a ''normal person'' but then again I was never normal in the first place. Or maybe I was, am, and I'm just over reacting, you know what people say ''suck it up, others have it worse'', because it makes so much sense comparing my pain and troubles to someone elses. Really.

Anyways this is probably my last post this year, I didn't want it to be this dark, but shit happens, I know I haven't been as active as I'd want to be and my posts weren't as good. I'm sorry about that, here's one thing I can promise, I will try to be better next year. All that aside, I wish you all a safe, happy and healthy new year. I hope it will be filled with love and laughter and will treat you amazingly because that's nothing short of what you deserve. Thank you for sticking with me for all these years, I appreciate it and I love every single one of you reading these lines, so see you in the next year.

''Is it fair, or is it fate? No one knows. The stars choose their lovers, save my soul, it hurts just the same and I can't tear myself away…

Did we ever see it coming? Will we ever let it go?

We are buried in broken dreams, we are knee deep without a plea, I don't want to know what it's like to live without you…
Don't want to know the other side of a world without you…''

Ruelle - The other side

Monday, December 10, 2018

''Up on the housetop, gifts are mine, kiss your Christmas tree goodbye.''

Oh my god it's here, that awful time of year. Am I right guys? December. Ugh. I hate it. If there only was a way to skip the buying frenzy, the craziness, the fake happiness, stupid smiles plastered on people's faces. God. I hate it all. And I especially hate the insane looks I get when I tell people I can't stand it all. Well really, what's to love? And the ''oh my god how do you live without celebrating christmas?'' well easy. Isn't that a religious holiday after all? I mean sure it lost all value these days but in reality it should be right? So why would a heathen like me celebrate it?
Christmas movies, commercials and music? Can I just please put a bullet in my skull now before I completley lose it? It is god awful. All of it. It probably doesn't help that December is colder then the North pole, guys, I'm a summer being, I don't do winter, I don't do cold and I sure as hell don't do snow.
Also is is just me or is the whole Christmas happening earlier each year? What the hell? I seriously get nervous rashes when I see god damn Christmas tacky crap in the stores before Halloween. Animals! All of you, seriously, why not start in June already? Or better yet how about not even taking the lights and such down? Would be easier no?
The concept of Santa and kids hoped up on sugar and lies. Why do we tell kids that a strange man is coming to their room while they sleep? What is that all about? I mean I wouldn't wanna see a strange man in my room in the middle of the night. Red suit or not. Well I mean, if it's Charlie Hunnam or Jason Momoa then they are most welcome but anyone else? How about no?
The fake ''let's spend time together'' crap, with either family or co - workers or wnb friends, okay listen here, I hate you all year long, I will not hate you less because it's December. If anything I'll hate you more.
Drunks. Drunks everywhere. Can people have a good time without vomiting their insides out in the streets? Just asking…
WHY, why, why is there such a thing as ugly Christmas sweaters? Why?! As if horribly tacky Santa or Rudolph aint enough, they happen to sing a carol if you press their noses. Dear god, take me now I can't stand it.
Well I didn't plan this post to start like this…but then again I never actually plan posts. But here's the deal, since I just complety shredded this entire extremely ''festive'' season (can you see my murder glare?) here's a part that I happen to like. Sometimes.
There's a ton of open air FREE concerts in this time of year and the thing is, it's cold as fuck, people are awful and drunk, but guys, free concerts. And it just so happens that this year the programme is sick! Really great musicians, pretty much daily so props for doing something right.
And because I am a complete fucking idiot, I thought that my Friday (after a week of work and errands and craziness and next to no sleep) night should be spent on two concerts. Not one but two. Hey, don't you judge me, I love music and I can never decide. But really, why should I?

First band to open my concert season was a band who I admit I don't know too well. I knew who they are, what they are, biggest hits etc. So I figured, alright the hits are great why not give them a chance? So basically they are called ''Psihomodo pop'' and they're a Croatian pop punk band. They formed in the 80's, 1983 I believe and since then they got a pretty huge fan base going on.
Guys this band played two concerts as the opening act for Ramones. THE Ramones. Oh my god. I didn't know that btw, only recently learned but what really shocked me with this info was that this happened in 1990 and that Ramones played in my country. I don't know why I'm shocked anymore to be fair. This place used to be cool, we had Ramones, Metallica, Queen and Nirvana, and what do we have today? You don't even want to know…
They did a really great album after Yugoslavia fell apart, it was called ''Silver pigs'' and it was critically acclaimed but produced an award winning single ''Starfucker''. I believe the last line goes ''starfucker, motherfucker'' hah, you don't want to know, really. But the singers hair in the music video? I died. Literally. He's all kinds of crazy though, got to love him, got to admire him, like the other Mick Jagger with the stage behaviour. And the bands lyrics? Comedy show. Brightens up a bad day.
And you know what? First time I wasn't bothered that much by people, they mostly behaved. Probably because it was insanely cold and people were hanging on bars drinking hot mulled wine which honest to god is more sugar and less wine, with an absurd price to match.
So it's after 10 I'm sitting outside under a heater in a bar contemplating my life and why on earth did I think this was a good idea and who the hell decided that all the good events in the entire year have to be crammed into one month. Yet this second band is a local band, from my town. And honestly, missing out on their show is criminal, the boys are so madly talented it's surreal. Every instrument is on point and the vocals are out of this world. If I had it my way they'd be touring the world with the biggest names in music history.
You can check them out right here
Show them some love guys, you won't regret it.

Alright, point of these ramblings is that at the end of the day, I had a great time, exhaustion aside it was a great night. Friends, booze, live music and laughter, all you really need to lift your spirits. I'm posting this just so none of you files a missing persons report. Been far too busy lately, but at least you can enjoy another concert write up, or two, or three, or….hell we'll see how many.
Have a great week, spread love not hate (unless it's about hating Christmas then you are most welcome), and stay safe during this fucked up month.