Alright, so I suppose you know I am not keen on female voices? I don't know what's up with that but in 99% I don't listen to any female vocals. It's been that way since forever. I like Pat Benatar, Heartbreaker is totally my song, I should tell you the story about how I once sang that song in a bar full of bikers, half dressed, with a huge pink feather boa around my neck. Very drunk on tequila and vodka mind you. Good times. But for real, I love Pat, as well as Joan Jett, Janis Joplin, Blondie, Donna Summer on occasion, Cyndi Lauper, sometimes Ellen Foley her Nightout is a great album, some more recent preformers that are completly unknown who's songs I heard in random tv shows, podcast kinda music. But mostly I love Cher. I don't know when that happened, she's so far from that superior music taste I usually got but hell, I love her.
So this is what this post is about, Cher, or better yet the first album of hers I got my hands on. Not crying happy tears but damn near close to it. I swear there was nobody happier then me when I heard that she's playing the role of Ruby in Mamma mia 2 and I literally only went for her and the entire time she was on the screen I was like ''yessss Queen!'' hah.
No idea when that love started. I loved her since as long as I can remember. I have a greatest hits cassette tape which is pretty much a miracle that it's not worn out, it used to play in the car non stop, as well as these two…
Musician's daughter what can I say? For the most part anyways, my dad never understood or supported my love for Cher. In times that were far easier then days are now we used to drive to the sea side a couple of times a year and we had this old red Ford and 90% of the time music that played in it was music I picked, on cassette tapes. Hey it was the 90's after all. I miss those days so bad you know? It makes me so mad watching kids born in 1999 saying how they miss the 90's, like excuse me but shut up. My childhood were the 90's and for the most part they were really happy. I really miss those days.
Anyway back to Cher, it's a miracle I even dig her given that she is usually referred to as the ''goddess of pop''. Me and pop music? Uh no thank you. For the most part anyways, I do manage to make some exceptions like, Michael Jackson, love him, also Sam Smith and Adam Lambert though their music can't really be labeled as pop. Adam is more of a rocker with his Queen collaboration and Sam might as well be a bit of an RNB and soul as well.
So Cher. She first gained her popularity as one half of the rock folk pop duo Sonny and Cher in the 60's when their song ''I got you babe'' totally crushed both American and British charts. They sold millions and millions of records worldwide and became the ''it'' couple of rock music. Can't say we even got an it couple now, what do you guys think? For me the it ''couple'' would be Keith Urban and Carrie Underwood, obsessed with thier Fighter song. Though they don't count. Since they are not a real couple. But the song is amazing.
Cher worked on her solo career while still being in the duo, and she was also a tv personality with the show ''Sonny and Cher comedy hour'' I literally never watched that but I wish I could. It was super popular and she became a sort of trend setter with her clothes in the show. My mom had a ton of clothes like Chers even if she was my age years later. I keep bitching at her for giving all the clothes away, cuz literally I'd steal all of it right now. Like I stole a few pairs of jeans, a sweater and a jeans vest, all older then me but ironically my favorite pieces of clothing, well next to all my leather and band shirts.
Anyways, one of the biggest career breakthroughs for Cher was Believe in 1998 which by the way is the biggest selling single of all time by a female artist in UK, so suck it Adele. This is the first song ever that had auto tune effect also known as the Cher effect. It's a dumb song we all know it but hell I love it. I sing along to it every single time it comes on the radio. It's not just a song anymore it's a memory of a happier time. The tape started with Believe so each time we packed up, went for the sea side the drive started with this tape and this song. Do you ever feel that? When a random song comes on the radio, maybe a song you haven't heard in years and suddenly you're transported somewhere long ago, and you suddenly feel all the feelings again, you remember the people, the times, everything? It's amazing what power a single song, or music can have.
Anyway couple of years later in 2002 up to 2005 Cher was on her first (hah yes first) farewell tour which ended up being one of the highest grossing concert tours of all time (at that time she was later topped by Celine Dion and the Stones and of course U2, but you really can't compete with those) earning a whooping 250 million. More then the Boss. Can you imagine that? And all that aside Cher also has a Grammy, an Emmy, an Oscar, three Golden globes, a Cannes film festival award and of course a ton of others, one even for her fashion. Queen. Just saying.
But that isn't all there is to admire about Cher. Her great music and awarded many times personality you have to love her for her political views (hates Trump, you go girl!), philantropy, social activism and fight for LGBT rights and HIV prevention. Did you guys catch her on the James Corden show? They did the ''spill your guts or fill your guts'' game. You know you either chose to tell the truth on a question or eat something disgusting and before any questions are asked Cher says, about a raw cow's tongue ''I don't care what it is, I am ratting out my mother, I aint going to eat this'' then the question is ''say something nice about Trump'', hah and without a word Cher bites into that tongue. I couldn't stop giggling about it. My vegetarian feelings aside I'd rather eat that too then say something nice about Trump.
So you probably noticed that she's on tour right now, of course only USA, don't ask how tempted I am to see her play say in Vegas, wishful thinking, but so help me jesus if she comes to Europe…nobody is stopping me I'd totally lose it. I watched a few of her concert videos the other day, songs, clothes, glitter makeup, so on point, I love it all.

Alright lets finally get to the album or this will be ridiculously long. Again. This is the first album of hers I got. (from a friend, he knows who he is, so thank you, I really need a sponsored by and his name on this blog at this point because without him, you guys would have nothing to read). Also one of my favorite albums of hers as is because there 's two songs I really love on it, If I could turn back time and Love on a rooftop. Probably not as famous song, not over played like Believe or Just like Jesse James but a great song non the less. As stupid and as cliche as it sounds I did actually sit on a garage rooftop during hot summer nights listening to that song, amongst others of course. Simpler better times as I said. My biggest issue then were boys and clothes and petty bullshit like that.
This album came out in June 1989 and it was the ninteenth studio album by Cher. Nineteenth! I think I could literally wrap all my walls in my room in her vinyl and I'd still have some room left. The album sold in 4 million copies and was supported by a sold out tour. Oh look at that another cool tour just like ''Use your illusion'' that I missed. I know it's no point pining over tours I missed when I wasn't even born. Hah. But for real, in the 80's and early 90's the music made sense, I missed the prime time of GN'R, the Crue, Skid Row, Warrant,…and that just sucks. Really.
During recording of this album Cher was dating Rob Camilletti to whom this album is dedicated to and did you know that Emotional fire has back vocals by Bonnie Tyler and Michael Bolton?
Heart of stone reached top ten on number ten actually in US, number seven in UK and topped the charts in Australia which made it Geffen's first international number one album. You're probably asking how that's possible since there's Appetite for destruction but that's because Appetite didn't sell when it first came out, might be because of the original cover or whatever but it only started selling later in the following year and up to now it became the best selling debut of all time.
This is yet another album with a cover that was later replaced. The original one has an artwork on it, Cher next to a huge literal heart of stone, it was really cute but aparently someone had an issue (looking at you soccer moms and desperate housewives) so it was re released with a more polished and more conventional photo. It's not bad as you see only the original felt more…real.
It was a painting by Octavio Ocampo and what bothered people was that you can see a skull if you look closely. What's so provocative about that I wonder? As you can imagine the original cover ones are now a collectors item. I see them on eBay now and then, surprisingly not too expensive.
Safe to say I love playing this album and think about those days that seem so far away now. Even further after this year after all the hell I've been through. It's true that the last bit of sanity I've got left is there only due to my music being played loud and forgetting that the world exists for a bit. Lately I've been listening to music that is not me at all but I love it non the less. Sam Smith, Rag n bone man? Not me at all but jesus their songs Lay me down and Grace will be the death of me, those voices and those lyrics….
What I really wanted to say was that there's a line in Love on a rooftop ''What ever happened to those endless nights when we were happy living young and foolish lives''. Which is something that's haunting me too, what the hell happened? It's not growing up it's falling apart too many times, till at some point you just don't dream anymore because you know dreams don't come true. You don't wish because wishes are never granted and you forget how to fight because you're too used of losing anyways.
In the light of recent events I promised myself to at least try and do something for myself daily, and it doesn't matter if it's taking a pause to breathe during all the stress or play my favorite song. Problem is that none of it is worth it guys, none of the things happening are worth your mental health or your pain or you being anything but happy. Life is short as is and spending it unhappy over people that are not even worth it is pointless. I know it's easier said then done, believe me been struggling with that for as long as I live, but I'm trying.
So in the light of what I just wrote, I'll go play myself this album and think of people and memories that I miss. And guess what, if I close my eyes and try real hard I can almost feel being back in those days, endless summer nights, never ending conversations, innocent kisses and best hugs on the planet. Back to feeling carefree, stress free and loved. Funny how little people yearn for. Peace, love and understanding.
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