Tuesday, November 26, 2024


You guys know I loved writing about vacation and travel right? Exploring new places, seeing new things...lately I haven't been blessed enough to go on a vacation some place else, tropical for example, I'd love that, just blessed enough to go back to the places I love most. Which honestly aint bad either and aint something to complain about. We have a saying ''povsod je lepo a doma je najlepše'' which I'm sure exists in many languages and it means essentially ''everywhere is nice but it's nicest at home'' and it's true. I keep saying, I don't need to see the entire world to know that our tiny Pirano is the most beautiful place on earth. Because it really is. And nothing beats the feeling of knowing that this is actually our home, tourists gawking at it, marveling, and we get to call it home. I feel like we often don't appreciate what we have. 

I spent a lot of time this year with American tourists. Yup me. They came and went with those god awful cruise ships that I will never like, but they were all really nice people. Eager to explore, learn and experience and believe me I LOVED all the questions I got. I love people who ask the proper questions. I made some new friends, mostly four legged ones you're right but also human ones. I know that's always shocking but believe me, it happens. And I finally got to experience IT. You know what it is? It could be something so filthy ha ha. But no, what it really is is the view I've been chasing for years. The moment when you're standing on the beach, watching the ocean and see the mountains in the back. It never happened before and this year I could see them in their full glory. The photo doesn't do it justice but still...

This was taken with my old Canon btw, Nikon stayed home, all the following pictures, moments if you will, or maybe lame attempts to get back into photography (see how I failed spectacularly?), are unedited and taken with my iPhone 13.

Pictures are jumbled not at all what and how I wanted to post them, but then again so is my life. A complete fucking mess.