I need to start this post with a quick apology. I'm sorry there was no Bob Seger post on Friday. Something came up and usually that would mean a concert, a party, trying 5 types of beer in a local bar…truth is I forgot what a concert feels like and what beer tastes like. What happened was I was held up furiously sketching about 50 sketches of Alexi Laiho. I know. I went a little crazy. But I suppose that's my way of coping with a loss of a brilliant musician. These doodles are up on my art IG (purpleskylineart) in case and of you are interested.
So, how did y'all survive yet another week in lockdown? Is it just me or they keep getting harder to stand? I mean ''fed up'' doesn't begin to cover the emotion of how badly I want this hell to end. Though there may be a light at the end of the tunnel after all. Government says they might start opening stores and other things next week. God bless, it's been a long ''couple'' of months. You know me and my ''unhealthy'' obsession with tshirts? I mean I stopped counting at like 600 but I assume I have about 1000 at this point, and do you know how long it's been since I bought a new one? Months. How do I live? Though we all know it's tour shirts I want but lets not go there again.
Alright without too much ranting and rambling I'll get to the point faster today. Album review but not about Bob. Sorry. Next week. An album showing up in my mail box by an artist I absolutely adore made me change my mind. You guys I cried for good ten minutes when unpacking this album. Lol. I know crazy fan girl and all that. It was a gift mind you and I probably don't stress this enough on here but I really do have the best friends on the planet that know how to cheer up a miserable girl.
Now off to the artist, if you look at the many GIFs at the side you'll see him on the first one. Dark haired in his movie ''The Devils Violinist''. Mr. David Garrett as Niccolo Paganini, who I also love because Paganini for the time he was in was the perfect bad boy. It's a great movie, acting spot on, music obviously too (lets be serious there's nobody who can step into Paganini's shoes so easily) and I will never ever get over the scenes shot in Vienna when I WAS actually in Vienna, not far from the location. Please murder me. Thank you. Though I aint sure what would happen if that pretty boy stood in front of me, I'd probably freeze, cry, pass out, hyperventilate, get choked up, not say a word or scream, possibly in that order. Lol.
I was lucky enough to see him in 2018 which if you look back you can read about. It was a whole new experience because in theory he's a classical musician and I never saw a classical concert before. Liking this type of music is not out of character mind you, I actually love Beethoven, Bach especially, Mozart, Brahms, Wagner, Debussy, Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Haydn and of course Vivaldi. These are the most famous classical composers of course and all brilliant musical minds. BUT I will not sit here and pretend that anything but the looks dragged me to David Garrett for the first time. Listen I'm a woman, I bleed red, I confess I watched him smile and got all wet. No censorship here. Lol. I came for the looks but stayed for the music, he is incredibly talented and the way he plays is just enchanting. And before I get into a long rambling worshipping post, here are a few more unshared photos from the concert, firstly because I am DYING without concerts and second because why not. And yes I am aware that the smiley one is blurry. Shit happens, he smiles – I die.

Perfect aye? Now before I get into the album review, few quick facts about my pretty boy. Musical genius and prodigy of course. German. Record breaking violinist. He held the record for the fastest violinist on the planet, preforming Korsakov's ''Flight of the Bumblebee'' in one minute and 5,26 seconds. Are you aware of how fast that is? 12 or 13 notes per second! Per second you guys! I heard someone topped that record by a second. Not cool man just saying. Not cool.
David started playing at the age of 4 and plays a Stradivari. I think the violin might be more famous than he is to be honest. Lol. Such beautiful instrument, the craftsmanship, the sound, everything is amazing. They don't make them like that no more, but then again they don't make such masters like Garrett or Stradivari either. Fun fact. David might be the only man my grandmother and I agree on being attractive. Literally she complains over every single man I like, too skinny, too muscly, too tattooed, too blonde, too whatever it is but this one? This one she likes a lot. Lol. Face carved by angels themselves as I always say. That smile you guys. Holy shit I melt. And the style. Sigh. Pull up youtube type in David Garrett Bitter sweet symphony. You're welcome.
Can I bring back how cutely he learned words in Slovenian language at the show? So if I bring him home for dinner that should be fine with non English speaking family? Right? Oh shut up let a fan girl dream. I can see my boyfriend chewing angrily on a pencil right now on the other side of his Mac. Hah. Think David actually said that Slovenian language is harder than playing Purple rain. Lol.
I had to chose at the time if I'm seeing Maiden or Garrett, couldn't buy both tickets and my friends are still shocked that I chose David without batting an eye. Well. They don't understand the level of my obsession with this perfect blonde cupcake.
Right album review, before I get too carried away and end up vividly describing one of my fantasies or fever dreams in which we shower together. It was bloody amazing mind you…
I love all his albums but I think if I had to pick this one might be my favourite. Look at it. Seriously. LOOK.AT.IT. The cover art back and front. The smile you guys. The tattoos. I can't breathe. Now what do you think happens when you put together something this pretty, so gifted and rock music? Absolute freakin perfection of course.
I was actually always all for crossover because it is a way to bring classical music to wider audiences particularly younger generations who lets face it don't have a musical bone in their body to appreciate the perfection and beauty of something like Tchaikovsky's ''Concerto N1''. Playing songs we all know, songs we all love that are on all radio stations all the time, in a new and different and exciting way, might intrigue enough people to actually take a little look at other styles the same musician plays.
This album was quite highly anticipated. It came out in september 2017. Didn't have to look that up, I remember because I wanted it badly. Lol. Never got one and now that I do, yes currently it's open in the corner of my desk and I might be staring at that back cover. Shut up. Let me be.
The album obviously contains some of my favourite songs as is but also all the best songs. You've got Phil Collins, Prince, Bruce Springsteen, Stevie Wonder, The Verve,...as well as Concerto N1 and with Davids own unique way of preforming said songs you really see the extraordniary talent. He once said that each song can be considered as a classical song but the songs that are really melodic and it takes a great deal of effort to turn them into what we can hear on this album. The interpertaion, evolution, discipline, and talent he displays in each and every one of his songs is something to marvel over as is, but he is especially proud of his work on ''Rock Revolution'' and for a good reason. Obviously. The classical interpretation of rock songs is absolutely phenomental.
You would not believe how much emotion, artistic talent and passion he can pack up in everything he does. It's amazing and he obviously deserves every bit of worshipping he gets. Listen, how many artists can blur the lines completely between Mozart and Metallica? And also how many artists feel completely at home both in classic and in hard rock? And how many artists look quite as gorgeous, perfect, with Prince Charming hair and long lashes and eyes you get lost in like I did just now when I was supposed to write about his playing…playing when his shirt rides a bit higher and you see that tattoo and underwear on full display. Sigh. Is it hot in here or is it me?
Here's the deal if you put this record on, and you listen to his interpreatation, his passion, his moving way in which he delievers his songs, it feels like he's right there with you. The notes just consume you and it's an out of body experience if you allow yourself to really feel the music, to hear each note, to really get lost in the song you listen to. Mindblowing. The type of music that reaches in, touches your soul, rattles your bones, awakens your spirit (awakens something else too, am I right ladies?), I'm not even exeggarating, it really is ALL that.
Did you know though that there was a cruise ''Stars ar sea David Garrett''? omg. Like it's a boat. At seas. Where he can't run away from crazy fans. Excuse me while all my fantasies run wild. Has anyone ever been at any of these cruises? I honestly never felt the appeal beyond ''getting rid of a body''. Lol. Idk I don't like big boats. We had a sail boat which I loved but these huge cruise ships, packed with people are just not my taste. BUT I may change my mind if one of those passengers would be David. I love the ocean, I love him, it's meant to be right? A romantic ocean sunset and those pretty eyes and hair blowing in the ocean breeze.
I keep getting carried away damn it. Get it together girl. Listen, here's the point he could be one of many standard violinists with recitals and concertos, classically trained so he never really steps out of his comfort zone, they always did classic so they always will BUT he took the alternative path. Which is besides a way to bring music to new audiences, and a much more creative way to express yourself probably also more profitable. Though I'm quite certain he doesn't care much about that. Y'all seen him right, ripped jeans, scuffy boots (once taped together with silver tape lol) which is oh so sexy but I doubt a typical style for people who care about money much. Speaking of his style, LOVE the bling, some by the Great Frog, the skulls the silver. Beautiful.
If you like him or not, there's some things you can't deny him, he posseses a level of skill that can't be anything else but respected. He plays violin at a speed that makes your hair stand on end. 13 notes per second. 13! I'm sorry but I literally can not process that. And then when you think about it, it's one thing to play fast but to play with this technique and feeling? It's completely out of this world. You know how short a single second is? And then rock music? The way he turns any song into a classical version? Amazing. Or simple the instrumental skill and giftedness that he displays in pieces such as ''Carnival of Venice'' or the ''Hungarian Dance No. 5''. That my friends. That is music and a musican who clearly enjoys what he does and actually not enjoys but loves his art with all his heart. And is there anything more attractive than the confidence he displays and a man that has so much passion and also looks like a rock star? I think not. You guys? The eyeliner! I can't breathe.
I do have one complaint or well remark more or less, or suggestion even better. Lol. Since David is German and he plays these amazing rock songs, did a song with Rammstein just recently (Alle tage ist kein Sonntag) I would just love a classical version of a Rammstein or Scorpions song. Imagine his version of ''Wind of change'' or maybe ''Rock you like a hurricane'' I am trying to bite my tongue so hard right now on all possible ideas and scenarios and filthy fantasies ''rock you like a hurricane'' awakens in my mind, because completely random but do you know what his favourite thing to do on a date is? A walk. He loves to take a walk even more in a city like Rome or Paris when it's snowing. Imagine that. The very post under this one I wrote how amazing walking in Rome after rain is. With the glistening pavement and fresh air. Sigh.
Now to wrap up this post. David is a beautiful man, but lets not just dwell on that. Besides his looks what matters more is his talent and his passion. His music. There are people out there that tend to not take him seriously because of his good looks and general style of clothing and playing and I think those people are just ridiculous. Judging such talent on such superficial things? Proposterous. David brings passion, emotion and a type of musical and artistic insight into everything he does and that should matter much more than his looks. And if that doesn't speak to you about his gift then 16 platinum and 23 gold awards so far should. If you feel like you could give a different artist / music style a chance then you should give one to him, if you can appreciate good music you surely won't be disappointed. Now excuse me while I go feed my fantasies a bit more and watch the Devils violinist again and end this post with the full tracklist of this album, enjoy.
A1 ''In the air tonight'' Phil Collins
A2 ''Born in the USA'' Bruce Springsteen
A3 ''Stairway to Heaven'' Led Zeppelin
A4 ''Superstition'' Stevie Wonder
A5 ''Bitter sweet symphony'' The Verve
B1 ''Killing in the name'' Rage against the machine
B2 ''Purple rain'' Prince
B3 ''Eye of the tiger'' Survivor
B4 ''Fix you'' Coldplay
C1 ''Concerto N1'' Peter Tchaikovsky
C2 ''The well dressed guitar'' Deep purple
C3 ''You're the inspiration'' Chicago
C4 ''Duel guitar vs. violin'' David Garrett
C5 ''Bohemian Rhapsody'' Queen
D1 ''Earth song'' Michael Jackson
D2 ''Baroque reinvention'' David Garrett
D3 ''One moment in time'' Whitney Houston, Albert Hammond
D4 ''Nah neh nah'' Vaya con dios